Example sentences of "[noun] and that be [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 And what happens is that if an embryo has the single gene for being male , it happens to have a white chromosome not surprisingly , it turns on thousands of other genes that then make the embryo into a male , but , but that single gene has to be there to act as a switch and that 's that gene is also present in alligators and crocodiles so the point I 'm making is it is just wrong to say that , that all these discoveries about genetics cut no ice with human evolution , because human things can not be influenced by single genes .
2 Ken , if we could er look at what 's actually happening out there to pensioners at the moment , I think of which we 're all very concerned , but there has been a small item of good news to balance against the concerns we have for those pensioners that are still suffering from uncertainty and that is some money has started to come in as a result of legal actions and settlements out of court .
3 And that is the situation we 're in , that 's the name of the game , is to satisfy our clients and that is all project quality planning .
4 I talked about shooting ourselves in the foot and that 's another example .
5 I suppose one of the things I use to demonstrate it most clearly is that for many years I s I gave lectures on communications and one of the things I used to say in those lectures was I did not know , and I was stressing that sense what came first if newspapers write stories in a particular way , because that is what the public wanted or do public want a particular type of story and that 's that newspapers round-up and I stopped posing that question when Rupert Murdoch bought the Melbourne Sun because Rupert Murdoch bought the Melbourne Sun and introduced a lot of sex-type stories you know stories about brothels and madames whipping people and goodness knows what else and the sales rocketed and there we had almost a captive example of change in the design of change in the type of stories that were written and people , people were buying it and so you have an issue of you know that your content was actually being by what your readership wanted .
6 ‘ Knowing the amount of people who could come over on cheap air fares and that 's another concern it could be a problem .
7 I dated Courtney Love for a while and that was another education on how people perceive .
8 eight singles and that 's that problem .
9 Joint officer reports coming from County and District and that is another reason why I I actually urge this County Council not to accept that resolution .
10 okay , it is where the trouser crease meets the line of the groin and it 's skin deep , okay , so you 'll pushing onto it you 'd probably have to put your two fingers and a pad and your knuckles right in there , alright and you 'll feel it yourself best when you 're lying down and your knee just up like that , that 's when you can feel it best because you can push in harder then , cos you 've relaxed your stomach and that 's another tip for putting pressure on it when you 've got somebody who needs that , you need to relax the stomach muscle , but you manage to put pressure up there okay ?
11 A lady has just said one of your earlier callers has just said that Council are out of touch well we should n't be out of touch and that is this exercise you have two councillors on here from different parties showing a concern for the trees .
12 The other one also came up in kinetics and that 's this business of nucleus nuclear filmic substitution .
13 How do I get the honest answer and that is another matter , I , I , I 'll find out what they say , but er I suspect that they will erm not be doing an awful lot , I suspect they 'll pretend , er that they will erm be helpful , and then they wo n't do an awful lot ,
14 In fact today , this afternoon we 're launching a whole new area at Alton Towers which is additional to anything before erm , Frank referred to it briefly , there 's a Runaway , so called Runaway Train ride , there 's a Ghost House and that 's all part of a new complex , which we 've got longer term plans to expand further .
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