Example sentences of "[noun] and it was [adj] that " in BNC.

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1 She motioned Jenna to a seat and it was clear that her initial diffidence was now controlled .
2 There were several tree-roots running across the roof and it was these that supported the unusual span .
3 She was quite attractive except for a very nasty skin condition , her face and arms were covered with a large number of pustules and it was obvious that she had been scratching them ; the scratch-marks were bleeding slightly .
4 He started to give her expert directions and it was plain that he must have been to this particular establishment before .
5 Essentially , it was a calculative attitude and it was clear that they managed themselves in the sense that they saw work as being a means to their personal ends , which might be owning a boarding house , for example .
6 The Spencers held a dance that weekend in his honour and it was noticeable that Sarah was enthusiastic in her attentions .
7 It was odd , Hope thought , as he lay deeply sunk in the great feather mattress , how perfect and desirable such a dowry would so recently have been to John — for Mary was the only child and it was apparent that the landlord would give her everything .
8 For the Reaganites , economic policy was the legislative priority ; first came budget cuts and then tax reduction and it was essential that these should be in place within a few months , before the end of the honeymoon period .
9 Even if it landed on time , I would have the four-hour journey to Hull and it was unlikely that I would make it to the funeral .
10 The band agreed to let them issue a cassette containing a free badge and it was clear that both parties were supporting each other .
11 June 1941 was the second devastating German invasion of Russia in recent times and it was understandable that Moscow wished to create a buffer zone between itself and Germany .
12 She told protestors that the Health Service must move with the times and it was inevitable that some hospitals would close as the nation 's health needs changed .
13 A large proportion of our forces had to be ready to travel to distant theatres of war and it was uneconomic that they should be composed of National Servicemen , admirably though those carried out their duties … .
14 She worked as an assistant in a dress shop and it was important that she looked smart .
15 They said the trend was an unusually low blip and it was possible that crime rates would continue to rise in 1992 .
16 He said Evans had an exemplary character and it was inevitable that his 31 years of public service would end .
17 Eileen came on leave on 28 August and it was fortunate that she was with her mother .
18 Early down-town theatres could rely on the casual trade , the ‘ droppers-in ’ , but small-town and suburban halls had to go after their trade and it was essential that managers acquaint the whole community with what was on offer .
19 But he made no complaint and it was plain that he was determined to show what he could do and not to be left behind .
20 The pens had the ordinary steel nibs and it was essential that they had just the right amount of ink on them or blots resulted .
21 In a few days or weeks Francis would almost certainly have made a will and it was unlikely that Anna would have been the principal , let alone the sole beneficiary .
22 The licensing of the play-text rather than the performance conferred a form of authority on the written artefact and it was this that was supposedly acted .
23 The atmosphere in the room became rapidly charged with an unmistakable effluvium and it was clear that Cedric 's unfortunate malady had reasserted itself .
24 Two injury-ravaged sides understandably lacked precision and poise but Gabbiadini was always direct in his approach and it was appropriate that he should give Sunderland the lead six minutes before the interval .
25 Mr Reynolds often looked tired and anxious during the days preceding his operation and it was important that the ward nurses gave him opportunities to ask questions and express his fears and also ensured that he had time to rest .
26 The other parties had met with mixed success and it was obvious that the enemy were mounting far stronger guards on their airfields .
27 15–4 The body of Malcolm MacKinnon was found near Schouler on Daill farm and it was remarkable that it had not been found sooner as it was lying in the vicinity of a well from which water was being drawn daily .
28 ‘ We cast for type not names ’ said director Archie Mayo and it was this that clinched the film 's impact .
29 Japan was approaching the crossroads and it was imperative that Japan be guided into the most desirable course of action — fully into the western fold as a sovereign nation .
30 Additionally , it has been reported that circulating PYY concentrations are raised in patients with malabsorption and it was possible that high colonic fatty acid concentrations may be responsible for this exaggerated PYY release .
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