Example sentences of "[noun] and it [be] [adj] not " in BNC.

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1 However , the practice of conveyancing is a professional practice and it is important not to lose sight of good professional standards in one 's conduct .
2 Occasional statistics sometimes throw light on the problem ; in 1875 Gladstone 's pamphlet on the Vatican Decrees sold 100,000 copies and it is difficult not to see in this a level of religious interest which later declined .
3 Albania , however , definitely is a part of the developing world in the middle of Europe and it is difficult not to compare Albania with my previous experiences in Africa .
4 But there was no time to give this disturbing idea attention ; Tealtaoich was nearly at the Trees and the Trees were grouped together watching him and waiting for him in complete silence and it was important not to miss a single instant of any of it .
5 We keep getting beaten by the odd goal and it 's disappointing not to get anything from these matches , ’ he said .
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