Example sentences of "[noun] and it [be] say [that] " in BNC.

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1 Pork was the staple diet of most Europeans for many centuries and it was said that the peasants of Britain lived on bread , bacon and beer .
2 Retribution soon followed , possibly by rock fall and it is said that Simon 's bones still lie a'mouldering it , the depths — no-one , you see , had the courage to go down into his mine and search for him .
3 Willie Baxter was gripped by fear , he did n't understand it , he hated the dark tunnels , he stopped walking and the noise stopped ; by now Willie was probably near the point where the tunnels passed under the River Clyde and it was said that it was possible to hear the sound of a ship 's propeller whenever a vessel passed overhead .
4 He said : ‘ This was discussed during the hearing at the House of Lords and it was said that if a case was brought the Attorney General would quash it , and that has been confirmed by lawyers .
5 He said : ‘ This was discussed during the hearing at the House of Lords and it was said that if a case was brought the Attorney-General would quash it and that has been confirmed by lawyers .
6 Sheldon had become much attached to her during his time at the Lock Hospital and it is said that she asked him to embalm her body after her death , which he did .
7 The mermaid did indeed return to claim Lutey and it is said that every nine years hence , one of his descendants is lost at sea .
8 For a week they accepted generous hospitality and it is said that on the evening before the massacre their leader played cards with McIan and his family .
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