Example sentences of "[noun] and in [noun] [pron] [vb mod] " in BNC.

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1 So that 's been very important , economies of scale are very important in the erm , the growth of manufacturing trade , which is essentially an increase in intra , in intra industry trade , as , as opposed to inter industry trade which is erm the simultaneous import and export of er products from different industries like produce capital goods , so cars and in return you will import erm food products but the majority of the increase in world trade has come from this intra industry variety .
2 We 're looking for more features of this type and in return we 'll offer free ‘ expert ’ advice .
3 A lot of fat in milk so there 's protein in milk and in protein you will find this amino acid that the baby ca n't metabolize , ca n't use .
4 Just send back your completed questionnaire with your cheque and in return you 'll receive a presentation folder containing full details of Pauline 's design .
5 Send back your completed questionnaire with your cheque and in return you will receive a presentation folder containing full detail 's of Pauline 's design .
6 Participation and prototyping could be used independently in some applications and in others it may be appropriate to use the conventional approach modified by incorporating these tools and techniques .
7 Er the other fire fighters would enable us to hit that target on a regular basis and in fact we will also the target during those periods when .
8 The Kings Collins Cross terminal as it says here the Kings Cross er terminal for the cross channel route is also of vital importance and in fact it could be that with the development of a high speed , the high speed train services between not only London but also the North of England into the European local structure , that the need for
9 That is to say , he could think through those ideas and feelings and in theory he could say them aloud but his shyness and his social position and the conventions about men expressing their feelings would have prevented him .
10 To take a quick look now at the current conditions and in fact you 'll see the extension of gas prices , rig counts etcetera into this year on the charts that you 'll be given with a pack after this meeting .
11 In 1988 the salary reached £22,548 and in future it will be linked to civil service pay , being 89 per cent of the salary of a Principal .
12 By having four officers here it means that they will be able to man the police car for those shifts seven days a week and in addition there will be one spare constable on every day except for Sunday either to cover deficiencies in that crewing or carry out er foot patrol or enquiries within the town .
13 The skins are sold to the rug trade and in future they may be used for making garments .
14 You can open a Premier Savings account with just £5000 and in return we will pay you our top rate of interest that is linked to those on the money markets .
15 It requires great skill on the part of the teacher to match tasks to attainment levels and in reality it will prove unusual starting from a core to have a task which only addresses one level within one target .
16 Love admits it will be very difficult for the players , who will be taking on opposition coming to the end of their season and in weather which will be completely different to what most of them have been experiencing over the past six months , though not to captain Bruce Russell , Iain Philip and Alastair Storie , who have spent the winter playing overseas .
17 I agree with him that an unsatisfactory situation er was created in our legislation and in passing I would like to say how much we all welcome , I 'm sure the efforts of my Noble Friend to get legislation simplified , but erm on this particular matter which he has raised , I would like to try to comfort him if that is possible , because erm by getting rid of the er the sections two two A and three of the Police Act as they er nineteen sixty four as they have been amended and er substituting this clause to the Bill simplification will in fact have been achieved so far as the form is concerned .
18 Because if you will have a had to get a recorder to listen to this side so you might as well put something on the other side and send it to me but of course there is no rush and in return you 'd be showing you take off anything or any part that you care to use .
19 Very harmless gas and in fact you could do with and leave nitrogen where it is , and it wo n't do anything .
20 The pattern is very much first half er , erm , loss or small profit , second half all the profit and in fact you should watch out for the bigger , the bigger Addison Wesley gets , the more the loss in the second half will be because we 're investing for that sale
21 He has got tremendous vision and in midfield he can express himself that bit more than he could at right back .
22 In every major burrow there is a main entrance-cum-exit and in addition there may be more entrances and a number of emergency exits .
23 At a time when we have child prostitution in our child children 's homes , Labour Councillors are entertaining themselves to sun sand and sangria in exotic foreign locations and in conclusion I would like to make just one comment , that this episode brings to mind a famous quotation in circles .
24 Those girls are getting from 13s to El a week for producing the Gazette and in London they would have to pay 395 at the lowest to the men who are producing government work , so that the competition is not fair .
25 So now it 's touring time and in September I 'll be writing , then in October it 's back touring again .
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