Example sentences of "[noun] and of [noun] [prep] the " in BNC.

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31 The committee recommended the convening of a national conference of delegates from various social , political and religious groupings and of individuals in the first half of 1991 .
32 The ending of the monopoly of solicitors over house sales conveyancing and of opticians over the sale of spectacles has already been noted .
33 They also called for the disarming of civilians and of members of the militia , and appealed to the security forces not to become involved in the political debate .
34 The unification of Italy and of Germany in the second half of the nineteenth century was a belated achievement by the bourgeoisie in those countries of a large , efficiently organized modern state , essential for the rapid development of capitalist production , such as already existed in most of Western Europe and in the US .
35 Why does not the Minister condemn the appointments of spouses of Tory Members and of Members of the House of Lords who pick up more than £5,000 a year for doing a day 's work ?
36 We have been carried very far indeed away from the medieval vision of society , of Christendom , of the place of the church and of theology as the crown of genuine knowledge .
37 The survival of a strong monarchy in Germany in the tenth and eleventh centuries , and the fact that a weak monarchy survived in France at all , bear witness to the importance of the Church and of churchmen in the making of medieval kingship .
38 Will you fight for the descendants of the great Cormac and his daughter Dierdriu and the descendants of Grainne the Gentle and of Erin and of Niall of the Nine Hostages ?
39 They are able to pursue a ‘ global strategy ’ , and this has often involved the closure of older plants in inner-city areas , with large losses of employment and of income to the local population .
40 While the landowners ' organisation is isolated at the local level , the problems of compensation for affected landowners and of management of the protected areas remain , largely due to the reluctance of the government .
41 Now all I 'm suggesting to him is that there is here apparently a requirement laid down by the treaty which ca n't be aggregated by any one individual member state which could actually only be enforced by reference to a court of justice and what I 'd like to ask is in the light of this very deep seated concern by the French about Strasbourg er and the European parliament building and the knowledge that this is of such importance to the er of er voting and of representation in the community of the European elections .
42 The same desire to articulate theology as something of beauty and of joy in the light of the God who has made himself known to us in Jesus Christ runs through all thirteen volumes , and makes them a unique achievement .
43 These elites are internally divided around different interpretations of liberal ideology stressing the competing claims of private property and of merit in the allocation of social privileges .
44 In the case of storage more than 20 metres in height and of buildings beyond the upper limit of extendable fire authority equipment it is questionable whether such an attack could be effective .
45 Her approach would be to treat spelling as a part of writing on the one hand and of pronunciation on the other .
46 Geoffrey Reynolds , Southern Area Superintendent , has worked to develop an associational strategy for planting new churches , helping colleagues to gain an overall view of areas of growth and of need in the south .
47 The redistribution of seats and the extension of the franchise helped loosen the grip of the aristocracy and of ministers on the House of Commons .
48 A ‘ schema ’ for the story is established and the recall is tailored to this , producing particular transformations of detail and of order in the story .
49 The world of Fisher Row — and no doubt of other occupational groups in early-modern times — was one that thought in terms of family duties and privileges , of family alliances and of inheritance through the family .
50 We have shown that the initial stages of T-cell development require the support both of MHC class II + epithelial cells and of fibroblasts in the thymic stroma .
51 I draw the attention of the House and of Ministers to the fact that in that context it seems to make no sense whatsoever that one regulatory authority responsible for safety — the maritime inspectorate — should still remain within the Department of Transport .
52 Away from Fleet Street , Hall also made her name as a writer of racy novels and of books on the Royal Family .
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