Example sentences of "[noun] and one [that] [modal v] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 It is an important experiment and one that could play a key role in securing public approval , or disapproval , for genetic engineering .
2 Despite the humour , which was lapped up by an appreciative crowd , it was a sad spectacle and one that must have left her regretting her comments , when asked about her chances at Wimbledon .
3 Eurosatellite , an industrial consortium based in Munich , is building the French satellite , plus two others — one for West Germany and one that will act as a ‘ spare ’ in orbit for the first two .
4 In fact , it was a correct judgement and one that would remain valid for the rest of Williams 's life .
5 All in all a most intriguing debut and one that will stay long in the mind .
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