Example sentences of "[noun] and on [noun sg] of the " in BNC.

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1 The redesigned straps and shoulder pads spread the load over a much greater area instead of concentrating it under the armpits and on top of the shoulders .
2 At the banquet and on behalf of the Company , Sir Crisp presented to the School a silver cup and cover " as a memento of this great occasion and an emblem of good luck in the future " .
3 Fenella was dressed entirely in black , a black sweater over a black skirt , black stockings and on top of the outfit a black hat covering all her hair .
4 If that does the job and on receipt of the bills , I think we should support it .
5 As regards professional negligence and the commission of other torts ( in the name and on behalf of the firm within the usual scope of the tortfeasor 's authority ) , s10 of the Partnership Act defines the liability of the firm as follows : Where , by any wrongful act or omission of any partner acting in the ordinary course of the business of the firm , or with the authority of his co-partners , loss or injury is caused to any person not being a partner in the firm , or any penalty is incurred , the firm is liable therefor to the same extent as the partner so acting or omitting to act .
6 We have immense regard for the way in which he conducts himself not only in Leicester but in the rest of the United Kingdom and on behalf of the United Kingdom abroad .
7 The most awkward of these are the manager 's expenses when travelling at the request and on behalf of the artist .
8 There were other climbing feats , like into the sink and on top of the wendy house furniture .
9 The only defendant named was sued as ‘ General Secretary of the Management Committee of the Islington Asian Centre , sued on his own behalf and on behalf of the members of the management committee ’ .
10 In making this statement , Anselm was speaking both on his own behalf and on behalf of the monastic community .
11 The Cajun Kings will , under the red sun on the western sky and on top of the hay bales [ outdoors , weather permitting ] , perform some nice down home music .
12 AS a resident and on behalf of the residents of Prescott Street , Albert Hill , I am appalled that our bus service we fought so hard to get is going to be taken away from us .
13 Soil around the bunker and on top of the slab provides further protection and makes the base difficult to see from the air .
14 ‘ Signed , sealed and delivered by the said Mary Steed as the attorney of Michael Derek Steed and on behalf of the above named Michael Derek Steed .
15 As well as major campaigns in Morocco , Peru and in connection with the 30th Anniversary , AIBS responded to a wide range of emergency situations in Kuwait , El Salvador , Grenada , Yemen , East Timor , Kenya and on behalf of the Kurds .
16 The pill 's more certain beneficial effects on benign breast disease and on cancer of the ovaries and of the uterus are less widely known .
17 Murray arrives in time to devise a programme for the forthcoming Festival and to supervise an ambitious campaign of refurbishment which includes opening windows at the front and on top of the building and cleaning its stone façade .
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