Example sentences of "[noun] and [pers pn] leave the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Jim Hall and I leave the city on a road flanked by fortified encampments flying UN , Greek and Cypriot flags .
2 I asked my cleaner to post four chapters of my book on Roman agriculture and she left the envelope on a bus .
3 The cameraman then came on board and we left the quay ; we returned and he transferred to a motor boat to film us leaving the quay .
4 He picks up his briefcase and we leave the room .
5 It was too late to ring Defence — early evening in London by now — but Maxim had given her the number of one of George 's military clubs and she left the name of Anglam Gateway and its solicitors with the secretary there .
6 When Gibson and I left the office , Guy turned on me and bluntly told me the fate that would overtake me were I to steal one of his crews .
7 That he has used his linguistic skills to make such a protest , where before he has been content merely with linguistic cleverness , marks an important development in his character and it leaves the reader with a distinctly more favourable impression of him at the end of the play than at the beginning .
8 ‘ I want to speak to you two in private , ’ he said , and so Joe and I left the pub and walked home with him .
9 Tony and Matt had brought lamps to look in some of the levels and we left the car in Gunnerside and followed the sign by the bridge that said " Public Footpath to Gunnerside Gill " .
10 The idea was not taken up , and half an hour later Richard signed the bill and they left the Relais together .
11 Carrie had already gathered up the baby 's toiletries in her arms and she left the room without answering him .
12 Steve and I left the bivouac the following night , having spent the day preparing our abseil equipment , attaching short slings to our ice screws and pegs .
13 ‘ Get out of my way , ’ said Mr Jaggers and we left the man on his knees on the pavement .
14 As the final notes quivered into silence and he left the stage to tumultuous applause , she rose to her feet in spontaneous acclaim for his effort .
15 Maxim bypassed the village completely map-reading George up a third road above the farm and they left the car there with perhaps a quarter-mile walk down into the valley and up again to the cottage .
16 My mother and I left the island at the end of the summer .
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