Example sentences of "[noun] and [noun sg] that [pron] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I sometimes feel a great sense of loss and disappointment that she never saw me grow up .
2 But having let himself sink as far as he could go , he began to rise and with such gathering force and fury that he not only routed all who had disbelieved in him , he left even the believers agape .
3 Furthermore , these giant corporations possess such wealth and power that they not only affect our lives , limbs , health , and property from the forceps to the grave , but they also bend the political democratic process in such a way that their interests are often prioritized over those of the electorate , consumers , employees , and shareholders .
4 After a few false starts a whole vocabulary and syntax that he never knew he knew begins to well up from his old-fashioned black portable .
5 Journalists treated her with such awe and respect that she soon thrived on interviews , developed her eccentricities and refined the mythical aspect of the success .
6 Can the family accept what may not be the attractive child in terms of race and colour that they initially wanted ?
7 We knew she would n't go near the road because she was so frightened of people and movement that she always stuck to the security and space of the golf course .
8 We are left with trade in manufactured goods , and it is to this trade on an intra- and extra-basis that we now turn .
9 Around me , as the pirates and Famlio stared at Gharr , the atmosphere grew so much charged with fury and tension that it almost crackled , like a defective energy field .
10 If teachers in substantial numbers are not going to be ready , willing and able to speak their minds , complete with all their doubts and uncertainties , who else is going to give the debate the greater depth and breadth that it so urgently needs ?
11 The alternative notion is the idea that you impose meaning on the input , in which case it 's a top down process and it relies on contextual information and information that you already have i on previous knowledge .
12 The last time he called on us after his exhibition at Keighley he seemed a new man , with a delight in having found himself in his painting and amazement that it also gave pleasure to so many others .
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