Example sentences of "[noun] and [pos pn] [adv] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Both are carved deeply out of the mountainside and their steeply sloping auditoria seating gives a superb view of the plains below .
2 At Christmas , Hattie Jacques would have a party and Ken and Joan were among the ‘ Carry On ’ team who would share the festivities and her very ample food selections .
3 It was left to Edward III to rebuild the amicable relationship between the Plantagenets and their most prominent Gascon vassal .
4 Though his first wife remains a shadowy and rather pathetic figure about whom one longs to know more , there is plenty here on the crowded , ramshackle household and its often hand-to-mouth existence constructed entirely around the demands of the workaholic , temperamental sculptor — the hoarded treasures , the art and music which pervaded the house , the much loved but somewhat casually raised children , the constantly changing and eccentric cast of live-in models , nannies , general factotums , portrait sitters , studio visitors , plaster moulders , musicians , friends and members of the press who were usually given short shrift .
5 It has established diplomatic and trade relations with South Korea and its rapidly growing economy would only suffer if a war were to start across the border .
6 In the case of Elvis , this problem is particularly striking because within the rock discourse he has been widely seen as both the music 's first hero and its most prominent backslider .
7 And they 'd start in with their bodhrans or spoons or bozouki or bones and their very heavy-handed accompaniment .
8 ‘ Are n't you going to introduce me ? ’ he enquired shortly of Rosemary , while his eyes made a meal of Leith 's thick chestnut-coloured hair and her beautifully structured face and figure .
9 nineteenth century , the Nez Perce fought with clubs , lances and their most famous weapon , a bow of mountain sheep horn .
10 In it stood the small , slight figure of the head verger , his silver hair and babyish complexion at odds with each other , as , indeed , was his black suit of the gentleman 's gentleman variety and his rather springy gymnast 's step .
11 It would seem that the prevalence of such ions and their rather special relationship to the 50Hz and 60Hz frequencies , both of which they encompass by their combined effect , and as illustrated in Table I , has to give the underlying basis for field induced activity in body fluids .
12 ‘ You 're quite despicable , are n't you ? ’ she said fiercely , keeping to anger to disguise her uneven breathing and her warmly flushed face .
13 Made around 1435 , this example is particularly rare due to the unusual motif of two phoenix ( emblematic of the Chinese empress ) around the sides and in the central base combined with the six mark character of the Emperor on the base and its almost perfect condition .
14 His mother 's dark nature and her rather cold surety still shut him out , but he expected it .
15 It therefore follows that it is worthy of your closest attention and your most energetic practice .
16 The slo-cooker is a wonderful implement and my most treasured cooking pot .
17 But I always try to stay the night there on my way down through France and on the way back again because of the Hotel de la Poste where the Swiss proprietor and his pretty Norman wife provide such a warm welcome and such good food .
18 He expected good behaviour and his rather grim glance in her direction did more to motivate her into action than any coaxing .
19 But the spirit generates the faith by which we know Christ , and it 's surely that which makes all the difference between the a mere interest in an historical Jesus and our real living faith in our risen conquering son .
20 Much of the talking and checking-out has been achieved through seminars and lectures , principally at the Chelsea College Centre for Science and Mathematics Education and its more multi-faceted successor , the King 's College London Centre for Educational Studies .
21 His name too , with all its starkness and its distinctly masculine aura , fitted him exactly — though this man possessed none of the innocence and wonder the first Adam must have had in his Garden of Eden .
22 We have already touched upon the significance of compact discs and their increasingly standard use as storage media in multimedia systems .
23 The previous chapter argued for a conception of music which maintains both the relative autonomy of its techniques and its ultimately social meaning , and which sees these as constructed within a historical dialectic .
24 Both the uncritical acceptance of Skinner 's concept of the problem and solution of learning and its equally uncritical rejection in favour of another serve only to bring pedagogy into disrepute .
25 Many of the major issues have rarely entered the adversary debate ; changes often turn out on examination not to be related to parties at all ; and in the all-important field of foreign economic policy-making ( which sets the limits which shape the rest of economic policy ) the continuity of policy and its generally non-controversial character is what is striking .
26 It was over six weeks since she had come to work here , and six weeks to the day since his kiss and their painfully honest talk down by the river beneath the moonlight .
27 Hey , thanks for trying , but maybe I 'll just go back to bed with my cocoa and my Simply Red CD , if you do n't mind awfully .
28 Maggie actually jumped as Felipe suddenly appeared and she looked round hastily for his clinging companion and her rather bold husband .
29 Alternatively , the subjects linked by ‘ see also ’ references may be a general subject and its more specific subdivision , for example : Crime see also Crimes without victims .
30 I could imagine her in her sexiest dress and her most alluring perfume , cooking pasta the way Rick liked it .
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