Example sentences of "[noun] and [pos pn] [adv] [verb] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Deirdre was not her real name , but her billowing copper-red hair was real enough , and so was her solid , even , dun-cream skin and her lavishly presented bosom .
2 The city had been devastated by German bombing during the Second World War and its newly built cathedral , which was to be a symbol of its phoenix-like rise from the ashes , was still awaiting the final touches before its opening .
3 ( i ) The elaborate form of the large guilloche circle and its skilfully executed junction with the frame of the mosaic is reminiscent of the circle of chain-guilloche at Barton Farm .
4 Trade unions , despite a loss of membership and their apparently weakened position , appear to have performed more effectively after the General Strike than before — which suggests that employers were more reluctant to become embroiled in major industrial conflict and that the unions were , themselves , asserting their rights in more effective and varied ways .
5 Moving on , and if I may say so , you have hit the nail on the head with your reference to the registration and its rarely stated function to boost the circulation of the LTA 's own magazine .
6 They are far from perfect : a gulf appears naturally between their original ideas and their new found pedestal .
7 There is a cramped , faded little room given over to the recognition of the literary achievements of the region , in homage to writers who were not themselves Basques but who settled here : the playwright Edmond Rostand , author of the extraordinary Cyrano de Bergerac ; the exotic novelist Pierre Loti , who lived and died in Hendaye ; the sentimental poet Francis Jammes , pictured here in a charming naive portrait , impossibly bearded and together with his wife and their wildly staring dog .
8 Jo nearly fainted with shock as her mother stepped out of the pool house , her face pale under its tan and her freshly painted mouth twisted with fury .
9 The hotel and its newly dug garden are protected from the winds and passing cows by a handsome new stone wall made in the old way — using the enormous smooth round boulders that litter the fields as if a giant 's child had grown bored with a game of marbles .
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