Example sentences of "[noun] and [modal v] [verb] to [be] " in BNC.

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1 They will have to answer for the team 's performances and can expect to be closely questioned on how often they saw those performances .
2 Such an order would be for up to three months and would have to be a ban on all or any class of processions in a given area .
3 They actively seek to expand their influence and would appear to be aiming to cover most of west London … the group can be expected to continue in their attempts to undermine the police , but are unlikely to be successful except in conditions of widespread disorder , general strike , etc , when they might have a potential for destabilisation . ’
4 A group of small copper cylindrical powder magazines all sold at around £150-£280 and would appear to be bargains , since they were attractive in their own right and quite uncommon .
5 She was advised that formal evidence would have to be called in order for her to form an opinion under section 7(5) of the Act of 1976 as to whether the defendant should be remanded in custody or on bail on the same or more stringent conditions , and that accordingly the hearing would in effect be a trial and would require to be heard before at least two justices .
6 Thus : ( 1 ) the said Solicitors ' Publicity Code ( which is summarised in Chapter 12 ) was introduced in 1988 , revised in 1990 , and covers the whole field ; from the general ( solicitors may hold themselves out to be good , but not to be better than the other firm down the road ; publicity must be accurate and not mislead ; a solicitor 's advertisement must identify the solicitor by name ) to the particular ( the correct designation of a solicitor 's practice , entries in legal directories , addresses to the Court and the use of the legal aid logo ) ; ( 2 ) the Law Society 's code incorporates by reference the provisions of the British Code of Advertising Practice which in its own way requires publicity material to be honest , truthful and decent , unambiguous and responsible , and contains a separate section relating to the advertising of financial services and products ; ( 3 ) the Financial Services ( Conduct of Business ) Rules 1987 also cover the advertising of financial services and products and will need to be studied by any firm carrying on investment business ; ( 4 ) solicitors will also need to be familiar with the Consumer Credit ( Advertisements ) Regulations 1989 and other secondary legislation in that connection , the whole corpus replete with the jargon unique to that area of law ; ( 5 ) the Business Names Act 1985 , which has already been referred to in Chapter 1 , requires revision of a firm 's letterheading every time there is a change in the identity of the partners , which will include any occasion when a salaried partner whose name has previously been shown " below the line " is promoted .
7 Firstly , the amount of DMS required to achieve a suitable extent of methylation is a function of the concentration of DNA and protein present and may have to be substantially increased when probing complexes formed in the presence of large excesses of competitor DNA or protein .
8 They 're a pest and a danger and will have to be destroyed .
9 Because his wife had made dishes of it as first-night presents for the cast , apart from Titania , who was on a diet and would have to be dealt with in some other way .
10 I see from today 's Financial Times that a leading member of the board of the Bundesbank said yesterday that the Maastricht summit was a failure and might prove to be ’ a suicidal failure ’ — serious words from a key member of the body that drew up the detailed proposals for European economic and monetary union .
11 A new bus garage would then be built on the cleared site and would have to be ready for use by the time the trams in Croydon were abandoned .
12 We have been in touch with it about the proposed sale of the site and will continue to be .
13 There are limitations of course — dingbats and other specialised marks can not be generated from the master file and will have to be stored conventionally .
14 A leading climatologist has claimed that global warming will increase the risk of structural damage to buildings and will need to be tackled with new building regulations .
15 Some of the modern hymns have a very shallow doctrinal content and may need to be rejected for that reason , whatever their other virtues .
16 But identity is an elusive concept and will have to be defined further and concretised .
17 They again became the ‘ weaker sex ’ , who were delicate and fragile and could not cope with the strains of learning and would continue to be mere property to be traded at will .
18 However , the annual membership fee is about £150 and will need to be sent with our application by the end of June .
19 You will have reality thrust upon you in regard to long-term objectives and will need to be far more structured in your thinking and planning .
20 A DC9 or BAC 111 can not hold so many passengers and would tend to be loaded later .
21 ‘ The county council are taking seriously their request for a speed restriction on a stretch of road which has proven dangerous in the past and will continue to be so if action is not taken . ’
22 Refusal to sit is often associated with constipation and soiling and may have to be taught before bowel movements can be encouraged .
23 All in all , LTK is still the most playable of the Bond games and could prove to be a good addition to anybody 's software collection .
24 Eunice Paxman , chairwoman of the National Care Homes Association , predicted that some SSD contracts with residential homes would be placed under further strain and may have to be renegotiated .
25 The Information will be used by you solely for the purpose of evaluating the possible purchase by you of the Company and , unless and until you have completed such a transaction , the Information will be kept confidential by you and will not be disclosed , in whole or in part to any other person , except that the Information or portions thereof may be disclosed to those of your directors , officers , employees , agents , auditors , lawyers , bankers and professional advisers ( collectively ‘ Representatives ’ ) who need to know such information for the purpose of evaluating the prospective acquisition ( it being understood that those Representatives will be informed of the confidential nature of the Information and shall agree to be bound by this Agreement and , if requested by ourselves , will enter into a direct agreement with us on the same terms as this Agreement ) .
26 As n approaches infinity so will approach zero and will cease to be an important component of the valuation equation .
27 The grammar and lexicon may be incomplete for the task at hand and may need to be supplemented .
28 * Pregnant women are warned about eating liver as animal feeds that are fortified with liver have caused unnaturally high levels of Vitamin A which is stored in the body 's fat and can prove to be toxic in overdose .
29 In many cases accounts are held back until completion of an investigation but the position will recur year after year and would have to be constantly reviewed in the light of the current stage of the investigation .
30 Michel reported that in 1989 the cost of debt servicing had surpassed the funds available in loans and grants and would have to be paid for out of foreign exchange .
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