Example sentences of "[noun] and [pron] [verb] you [vb mod] " in BNC.

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1 When I left school I would n't go on with me dad at first , I said I wanted to play football and me dad did n't want me to play football and he said you ca n't do a milkround and play football .
2 The first guest tutor will advise on self-defence and I know you will all welcome the opportunity to become more ‘ Street-wise ’ at a time when attacks on women are so common .
3 Since then she has written to tell us of her first reply and we thought you 'd also be interested in some of the suggestions that came in , including Dee Murton 's account of the origin of these cardboard cones which was news to us .
4 We 're , working on an hotel project I think and we 're up to week thirteen on the programme and I think you might be able to see on week thirteen and given the information we 've got at the moment as well , it means we 're gon na be working on three floors at once so it was the first thing to identify .
5 I feel sure you will recognise the importance of teaching children about safety and safety labelling and I trust you will grant us permission to reproduce the Kitemark for this purpose .
6 So , if you do n't mind hard work and you think you can get along with sheep , this may be the job for you .
7 ‘ Obey them to the letter and you will be well rewarded — any bungling or playing the fool and I doubt you 'll live to tell the tale ! ’
8 So I 'm not therefore an expert on the issues that are raised by the private care question and I hope you 'll be appropriately kind when it comes to the questioning .
9 Now I do n't think of us here and neither , certainly myself , I I would not claim to be any form of artist or expert but I think a lot of us can enjoy er getting our hands dabbling with paint erm paper mâché and other activities and in fact having that opportunity of ex enjoying those experiences that 's we ought to be able to offer to people in Cambridge and many peop children in schools they they do get opportunities but I think particularly amongst older people who 've never had that opportunity and I think you should be do so .
10 ‘ Captain Montgomery has been reporting the state of progress and I thought you might like to hear it .
11 We would very much like you to join the steering group and I hope you will confirm your willingness to do so .
12 You 've been doing things the same way for years and you know you can get things across , but …
13 Hatfield has become a bl black spot because of the closure of , er the aerospace industry in the County has suffered gravely in the past few years and I think you will agree , the closure of at .
14 This is a very valuable method of following up the initial contact and we hope you will agree that this may continue .
15 Mentioned the D S S and I think you could 've disturbed him more , do you really want to go down there and be means tested and , and er that 'd be a , a possibility er to disturb him a wee bit more .
16 As to a scoop , just hold the article back for a while and I think you 'll have one .
17 And I give him three mo cos I 'd give him three months guarantee with that , I thought yes and I was standing there on the phone and I thought you dare come back !
18 Er , I should like to the names next month and I hope you 'll all support us because the numbers are going down and if we do n't get sufficient numbers , it 'll have to cancelled like the Torbay one .
19 I could do with a bath and I expect you could .
20 And because I 'd let her fall off , she would n't be allowed to be a nun any more , because she had fallen into the lake of mud and I knew you could n't be a nun unless your clothes were clean .
21 This is available from us free of charge in bulk orders and I hope you will consider taking some for distribution .
22 I done it , I did it all neat and tidy the whole way round till we got round to the door and I says you can do it , no way am I cutting round there big chunk
23 But rather to join in the search for new ways forward for the common future of our society and I suggest you might do worse than try a few committees and working groups on pragmatic coalitions , collaborative democracy and local community .
24 They 've always been a precarious , yeah , I mean me dad used to work down the shipyard and you know you 'd live in fear for when they would close the yards down
25 He asked the masters and they said you can come for an interview .
26 Stock Images of Love and we promise you 'll be crying .
27 Now when the buses pull up there , they 've got to double park and it completely blocks the road , I mean you 've either got to swing right round the bus on the wrong side of the road and you know you could easily run into something coming the other way .
28 ‘ Your uncle and I think you should get on a train and come down to us right away , darling , ’ she said .
29 Just to conclude , this is the best budget education 's had for many years , it 's good news for schools , it 's good news for council tax payers and mostly importantly it 's good news for pupils and I hope you 'll accept that .
30 ‘ Now I 'm going to take a look over the studio and I think you should be with me . ’
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