Example sentences of "[noun] and [prep] [pron] [pron] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 There are computer games on the market in which the player has the illusion that he is wandering about in an underground labyrinth , which has a definite if complex geography and in which he encounters dragons , minotaurs or other mythic adversaries .
2 That was all set out in the recent Security Council resolution to which I referred in my reply and for which we voted .
3 She took a seat and from it she saw nurses going in and out of the cubicle where they had taken Robbie .
4 DIMINUTIVE but perfectly formed , this barbecue by Odell folds into a compact carrying case , perfect for beach cuisine , patio parties and for anyone who does n't want a rusting heap of metal in their yard all winter .
5 The Group 's share of results of associated undertakings [ hereafter called associated companies ] is included in respect of companies in which the Group owns at least 20 per cent of the equity and over which it exerts significant influence .
6 The general shortage of comforts and of everything which kept us just above the lowest level of life was sufficiently great to make individuals cling to what they had with something like fanaticism .
7 College Report has recorded over the years most of Marjorie Boulton 's considerable output of writing , both in English and in Esperanto , a field in which she has become a leading international figure and through which she has enjoyed much travel and many friendships .
8 Well I was trying to draw your attention , right she had pieces of pink paper right that was mi , and on the desk , on our side and on it it had a fe , erm it was she 'd she had received some er goods or something like that there , it was on a piece of pink paper and the signature on it was Houston !
9 He hurried to her aid and between them they managed to half-carry Miss Merchiston from the room .
10 The vicious force which was now her essence and to which she gave the name of hatred ( only this was too narrow and too petty a name to describe it ) was directed upon Jack : Jack on whom daily , as he looked at her sometimes so anxiously , so humbly , she smiled the smile of reassurance and of calm .
11 Miss Honey found a tray and on it she put two mugs , the teapot , the half bottle of milk and a plate with the two slices of bread .
12 On the pitch he represented amazing , individualistic skill and off it he typified the so-called swinging sixties ( although the picture was actually taken in the early seventies ) of nightclubs , Manchester , and a time when footballers behaved like pop stars , not robots .
13 He led them across the hall and through the dining-room , down a corridor and into what he explained was a private dining-room where members could entertain groups of friends or associates .
14 An alternative draft platform for the forthcoming congress , drawn up at the Democratic Platform 's founding conference in January and from which it took its name [ see p. 37235 ] , was criticized for not attempting to make " a constructive contribution to the formulation of party strategy " and for concealing designs to turn the CPSU into a " shapeless association with complete freedom for factions and groupings , i.e. practically to dismantle it " .
15 This may sound a somewhat highfalutin' way of making an obvious point ; but the obvious points are often the important ones : in this tension we find the limits of experience , beyond which we locate an objective universe and within which we locate subjectivity .
16 We managed to save three with Maureen Edwards 's help and between us we nursed them back to health .
17 Since the Bill relates to that breakout , I take the opportunity to tell the Home Secretary once more that sooner or later he will have to be frank with the House and the country about what occurred at Brixton and about what he knew .
18 The Profitboss , whatever his job , builds up over the years a wide range of contacts to whom he gives assistance and with whom he exchanges information as well as completes mutually beneficial business deals .
19 It is in culture , after all , and in mass culture particularly , that the meanings which structure our lives and by which we understand ourselves are constructed and reconstructed .
20 This has nothing to do with how policemen look nor even of never having heard of a bunch called James , who are apparently big stars , have their name emblazoned all over a chic t-shirt and of whom one had never heard till yesterday .
21 the Beverley sisters were on and they said they used to wear very daring clothes and the B B C banned them from showing their navels , cos you 're not supposed to show your navel on television and you could n't say the word , oh yeah Lonnie Donegan was on and he said that he was banned from singing this song er in eighty forty was such a little drip and in it he says we beat the bloody British and they would n't let him sing that because he swore so he had to sing we beat the ruddy British
22 Agnes began to cry , quietly at first , then it mounted into sobs , then almost into hysteria and in it she gabbled out incoherently to the three gaping sisters what had transpired from the time she had taken the linen across to the house .
23 Alex , her brother , was big enough to be included in the older children 's activities and without him she had felt unprotected .
24 So it is , for example , that the auxiliaries have and be co-exist with verbs of the same form which denote possession and existence and from which they derived .
25 Analyses showed that water contained eight parts of oxygen to one of hydrogen ; on Dalton 's assumption , then , the atom of oxygen weighs eight times as much as that of hydrogen , while on the H 2 O formula favoured by Davy and by us it weighs sixteen times as much .
26 Other passengers helped to erect a tent of tarpaulins on the deck and in it she gave birth to a daughter .
27 Aileen is proud of her family for their support and for what they have achieved .
28 I am certain that with no additional resource , we can do more for our researchers than provide then with yet another data archive where they can deposit the materials which they developed with inadequate support and for which they got too little recognition .
29 The Board 's role had been afforced through its assumption of providing powers under the Bedfordshire scheme and through its close co-operative relationships with the Rural Community Council ( RCC ) in Cambridgeshire and for which it provided a series of courses in that county .
30 No sisters until mother got married again , and me sister as I call her now , she 's me of course my half sister , Jessie , she was born I 'd be about seventeen cos she did n't get married till after the First World War , remarried me step-father was in the forces and he fought , he actually fought in the Boer War so he was a a soldier in the Boer War and in what we call the Great War , nineteen fourteen to nineteen eighteen , but er I had a misfortune to lose the brother next to me , Frank , which he had what was common in those days tubercular trouble , tubercular tuberculosis affected the bowels , see he died in , on August the fourth nineteen eighteen in the old infirmary that now classed as the Manor Hospital , but that was the old infirmary cos we there was no widow 's pension in those days , our mother was a bridle stitcher and she used to do have an old fashioned clamp , have you ever seen the clamps that are leather , th tha they held them , the leather , she used to stitch bridles at home , we used to help her with waxing the threads have a leather apron and a bit of wax and pull the wax over the thread , and then roll it round till it was strong enough to thread it , we used to make the threads for her to er stitch the bridles .
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