Example sentences of "[noun] and [verb] down [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 Eventually we made our way back to the terrace and sat down on a bank .
2 One day they 'll make a big killing , quit the rackets and settle down to a respectable life in a new town .
3 You could no longer do the things I 'd taken for granted , like making a cup of tea and sitting down for a gossip when I came in from college .
4 Some people expect to see a Sigmund Freud-like figure and to lie down on a couch .
5 He dived behind a storage tank , covering as Forster dropped lightly to his feet and ducked down beside a bench .
6 Design by Dr Ibrahim Alkhattat , the workshop will be built from small diameter larch poles contained in steel shoes and held down with a tension wire .
7 Following these now disregarded signs of past activity along the old path , I traversed the hillside and came down to a crumbling stone sheepfold with the roofless remains of a shepherd 's hut built into one wall .
8 Several other nuees swept harmlessly down the valley of the Riviere Blanche during the next couple of months , but on 30 August death came again to Martinique , where a powerful nuee blasted out from Mt Pelee and rolled down in a new direction , engulfing the small village of Morne Rouge .
9 She made herself some tea , hunted for headache tablets and slumped down into a chair .
10 A pair of grey-backed crows — hooded crows — flew across the track , and then , as the Land-Rover topped the rise and started down into a narrowing glen , a buzzard soared up in leisurely circles , to be lost over the crest of the moor .
11 Be glanced towards Kelly and slowed down for a moment before speeding onwards .
12 I arrived just after dinner at night , so we were taken into the kitchen and sat down at a huge table on which were chicken legs , lamb chops , steak , dishes of three or four veg and told to help ourselves and did we !
13 Then followed a battle of looks between them , but the captain soon put away his weapon and sat down like a beaten dog .
14 She reached her mother 's in nearby Northumberland Street and broke down in a state of shock .
15 With curious fitness , fate had it in store for him to marry an heiress and settle down in a castle in Spain — he who had conjured up so many of them in the imagination of junior executives .
16 I put it with other money I had and part exchanged my irons for a full set of top quality blades which had been in a sale after that my game improved immensely I got my handicap by putting in three cards two terrible scores of 86 and the good card which was 72 my handicap was then 15 I played in a junior competition and came third in the lower handicap section a week later and played in a medal and came down to a handicap of 14 .
17 The whole assembly can then be given several coats of varnish to help hold the windings in place and glued down to a square mounting board , etc .
18 She went into the drawing-room and sank down into a chair .
19 She strode back to the editor 's room and slumped down in a chair .
20 With an elaborate sigh he unravelled his legs and stood up , crossing the room and squatting down by a pine dresser .
21 Someone else came into the room and sat down on a plain wooden chair to watch him struggle .
22 Lorimer sauntered across the room and sat down on a chair by the butler 's fire .
23 As I wrapped myself in my gas cape and crouched down in a corner of the trench , I gazed up at the sky .
24 The last is a source of amusement for Waggoner 's family and friends , who find it delightfully bizarre that a man who weighs around 300 pounds and dresses down with a passion should pen a guide to etiquette and fashion for the vaunted Esquire magazine .
25 Had there been no — and certainly no just-arrived audience — It would have been utterly lovely to have taken the phone and settled down for a chat , to be inspired and encouraged as always by the love you offer your friends and by your own zest for life physical and things spiritual .
26 Suddenly he was in the enemy 's trench and staring down into a young German 's eyes , a terrified boy even younger than himself .
27 Before starting the repair , remove all debris and loose rust and rub down with a wire brush and abrasive paper
28 So he staggered about ten yards and fell down with a moan on some pallets .
29 Life becomes crazy when I 'm recording Birds Of A Feather so I tend to organise working lunches and sit down in a restaurant to get my fuel .
30 This develops into a large bulky plant 2ft high , which collapses after heavy frost , blanketing the ground and breaking down into a mass of fibre .
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