Example sentences of "[noun] and [verb] down [prep] the " in BNC.

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31 Bodie went up the steps and stared down at the girl , who looked up at him pathetically .
32 Cancel the wedding or the holiday , sell the theatre/football/movie tickets , put the dog in kennels and get down to the Wembley Exhibition Centre … sharpish !
33 Balberith tore a section of reinforced steel roof from the military vehicle and glared down through the hole .
34 His voice trailed off and Ruth looked sharply at him as he lowered his gaze and looked down at the paperwork in front of him .
35 He was assigned to what was vaguely described as ‘ guard duty , ’ warned not to talk about his work and taken down to the basement to start .
36 Last weekend we booked a 55-seater coach and went down to the youth soccer international at Wembley between England and Italy and had a marvellous time . ’
37 He was sick of the sound of keys and worn down by the slicing pain .
38 She tiptoed across the aisle and sat down beside the motionless figure .
39 Oliver sighed deeply , stuffed his treasure back into his pockets and sat down on the grass to watch .
40 Hands thrust inside his jacket pockets , Kuhlmann went over to the window and stared down into the courtyard again .
41 She rose from the bed where she had spread out the rosettes , strode to the window and stared down into the garden .
42 Athelstan went over to the window and stared down at the chess table .
43 Then he walked over to the window and stared down at the chess board .
44 He opened his window and hollered down into the courtyard for the scraggy Monkey-boy who had become his slave .
45 I stood at the window and looked down into the street .
46 He went to the window and looked down into the street .
47 Mum went over to my window and looked down at the street .
48 I lay on my bed with a computer magazine and , from time to time , went to the window and looked down at the darkened street .
49 He stood at a window and looked down over the trees , where rooks were crossing sticks in a light sway of air .
50 He walked to the window and gazed down through the net curtains .
51 Meredith closed the window and sat down on the edge of the bed .
52 I turned away from the window and sank down upon the bed .
53 It hit the green and finished down in the rough with the flag just over a little rise ( he was down in Duncan 's Hollow ) .
54 I suspect the answer lies in the demographic changes of the 1980s , which showed a substantial and unexpected in-migration to Scotland , on the same scale and pattern as the ‘ incomers ’ to Wales who were selling off expensive property in south east England and settling down on the proceeds .
55 Charlotte stepped into the hall and grinned down at the dog .
56 Jessica got to her knees , holding herself and snorting , then staggered to her feet and ran down to the water .
57 The lassitude still on her , she came slowly to her feet and looked down at the boy , who stood up , shifting uneasily .
58 Fulke shuffled his feet and looked down at the floor .
59 And crawled over the edge of the dish and slid down into the mushy stuff .
60 Moving very , very slowly , she wrapped her arms around her waist and sat down on the bench .
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