Example sentences of "[noun] and [verb] it into an " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Pièce Touchée ’ by Martin Arnold , a winner of prizes from a number of festivals including Cannes — it takes a short scene from an American B movie and manipulates it into an erotic dance to hilarious effect .
2 This may all seem a bit of an unnecessary fuss , but it 's a small price to pay in time and trouble and money in order to save the marriage and turn it into an asset rather than a liability .
3 UB hopes to expand sales of Phileas Fogg in pubs and smaller retailers and turn it into an international brand , doubling sales from the present £24 million in five years .
4 At this stage he can either pull with both hands sharply in a downwards direction , taking the attacker to the floor , or simply twist his open-palm grab and convert it into an arm lock , thus causing the attacker excruciating pain .
5 Then she lit a king-size cigarette and slipped it into an amber holder .
6 He had taken his sonnet to Rodge at Red Giant and turned it into an ode .
7 That used to be a completely different tune ; I had the lyrics , but I played it on an open tuned National , then when I got the Strat and plugged it into an old Fender Vibrolux amp , it became what it became on record .
8 Lord Justice Butler-Sloss said that while still working for others , they bought a property and turned it into an hotel , with Mrs Gojkovic working hard alongside her husband .
9 For instance , in 1989 the EIB lent ECU12.3 million to Genoa to restore its Ducal Palace and convert it into an arts centre to attract tourists .
10 The phototransistor picks up the light emitted by the l.e.d. in the transmitter section and converts it into an analogue electrical signal .
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