Example sentences of "[noun] and [verb] [adv] he [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Denis Wirth-Miller attended a talk he gave at Goldsmiths ' College and observed how he galvanised the audience .
2 In 1812 , when war broke out between the infant U.S.A. and Britain over territorial disputes on the Canadian border , Eckford was asked by the U.S. Government to supervise the building of warships on the great lakes and to do so he gave up his own business .
3 The aim of the exhibition is to show the quality and variety of Jordaens 's work and to reassess where he stands in relation to Rubens , by whom he has always been overshadowed .
4 The obituaries published in Britain , on the Continent and in America all acknowledged him as the originator of military precision dancing and reported how he had dominated a whole era of show business .
5 The Hon. and learned Member for Perth and Kinross ( Sir N. Fairbairn ) took one look and retired whence he came .
6 This deep concern for spiritual realism spilled over into his own ministry and explains why he preached and laboured with such tremendous zeal and fervour , as ‘ a dying man to dying men ’ .
7 Mike , a Cambridge undergraduate who is working on a kibbutz is talking to the Jewish girl Gila and explaining why he left university to end up in Israel .
8 Huge video screens profile each new batter and replay how he fares at the plate .
9 ‘ But you can remember it all ? ’ said Fenella , anxiously , and Pumlumon pushed his hat well back and scratched his head and said once he got it going , it would follow as the night the day , or maybe it was the other way round .
10 Cos he 'd have taken them to court and said well he did n't even pay it , I did !
11 After dinner , the person at the top of the list is offered first choice of all the hotel water and selects where he wants to fish the following day .
12 The Champion features a little boy called Owen and tells how he copies with the illness .
13 Mr Sells said he had corresponded with Mr Bewick and asked why he had not joined the BTS and become involved in debates on transplants .
14 Erm should the erm that , given that er , sorry , that the er , er O P C S in fact erm er after every census makes er guesses about its accuracy erm would erm the spokesman , is the spokesman aware that in fact O P C S has said that a fair erm representation of the intercensal increase in population in Leicestershire er between nineteen eighty one and nineteen ninety one is in fact fifteen thousand people and does n't he feel that to provide for fifty three thousand in the structure plan is a little over the top ?
15 He took the call in the sitting room and Rain sat on a red-painted kitchen chair and wondered how he came to be living in such circumstances .
16 He sipped his beer and resumed where he had left off .
17 As he opened the door and looked out he thought he heard the squeak of a tricycle .
18 I 'd like to see him have a few failures and see how he handles that . ’
19 Mellor grasped the nettle and told how he felt like Daniel in the lion 's den .
20 Which is if , I mean when he was giving lectures in government and binding , people would invited him would put up posters saying government and binding so he got all the wrong audiences .
21 I 'll try this cream and see how he gets on .
22 Dr Bellamy gave a spirited call for the preservation of an area he considers to be one of the top 10 botanical sites in the world and told how he had sat in the rainforest imagining he was a dinosaur .
23 So why do n't I just go down to that devil-Frenchman 's wagon and see how he likes burning … ’
24 Still , she would gaze in wonder at Fleury 's clear , though dirty , countenance and wonder why he did not get any .
25 and the police said all I have to do is phone the police and say well he wants to come and look round the property can I have a policeman there cos I do n't want
26 I was starving so I had pie and mash twice He had double pie and double mash twice .
27 HOWARD WILKINSON savoured the prospect yesterday of a history-making European night for Leeds and revealed why he believes they can conquer the odds .
28 However , the builder may be expected to make some contribution towards travelling time and costs where he has failed to obtain suitable sub-contract labour within the vicinity of the site and a subcontractor is requested to travel an excessive distance .
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