Example sentences of "[noun] and [verb] [adv] with the " in BNC.

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1 In principle , they can fix their financial risks and get on with the job of dealing with the commercial ones .
2 Slice fungi and fry down with the butter and onions until all the liquid has evaporated .
3 ‘ We should get six top international players and a number of international referees and sit down with the law-makers so that all points of view are aired . ’
4 And if it was important , to us and the country , why in the world were n't we snuffing out all those niggling grievances and getting on with the job of winning ?
5 Our finding of highly similar introns in fungi and algae is consistent with the idea that introns have already been present in the bacterial ancestors of present day mitochondria and evolved concomitantly with the organells .
6 Left : The Regency dining table and chairs were bought at auction and combine well with the Georgian desk
7 She closed her eyes and communicated again with the figure .
8 I remember years ago being amused when a young man given to very few words came to our vicarage and burst in with the news : ‘ Jane had a baby boy this morning ! ’ still with his bedroom slippers on .
9 And he turned back to the Toyota , reaching in to the rear seat and coming out with the blasting plunger .
10 ‘ So he had a few puffs before he grabbed her round the neck and got on with the job … ’
11 ‘ I will show you the evidence that Osman goes to him every Friday and comes away with the money you have given him . ’
12 Some might well be Balliol supporters and go along with the Earl for that reason .
13 The second section covers the paraclinical subjects which deal with the nature of disease and the various hereditary and environmental factors responsible for its production and this is integrated closely with the final section which comprises the clinical subjects and deals essentially with the study of disease in individual animals and in the flock or herd .
14 Alice looked down at her handbag and fiddled meaninglessly with the clasp .
15 There , he 'd worked for the Corps ' news service , been wounded , gone home to study journalism at college and ended up with the Associated Press .
16 It does not matter whether the golden spike is hammered in somewhere in England or in France or in China , so long as we can make an arbitrary decision , stop arguing about words and get on with the much more difficult ( but much more rewarding ) task of correlation .
17 Yes , there are times we should cut the crap and get on with the ‘ real ’ issues of starvation and disease , but to dismiss all problems of prejudice and inequality as whining self-pity is callous beyond belief .
18 Birkett shrugged his shoulders and went on with the fish cakes .
19 Spoon the mixture into the prepared tin and press down with the back of a metal spoon .
20 ‘ Can we cut the expert critical review and get on with the job of finding out where Jenny is ! ’
21 Every time Shirley was on the telly thereafter , I would notice how she put her head to one side and agreed absolutely with the questioner ‘ except did n't he think that … ’ .
22 And Joffre , planning to extend his left flank , prior to enveloping the German right , appealed to King Albert of the Belgians to abandon the North Sea coast and thrust inland with the Belgian Army to join his swinging manoeuvre .
23 We met one of the Medics who informed me that the bodies of Les and the other three Commandos had been taken through the village and laid out with the other dead in front of the Chateau .
24 " But my mistresses go home to their husbands for Christmas , and although I could stay at the Covington-Pyms and ride out with the hunt on Boxing Day morning , and call round at the Moons on my way back to cheer up poor Marie …
25 It is also a serious setback for hopes of reinstating passenger trains on the line to go beyond Redmire to Hawes and link up with the Settle-Carlisle line .
26 They 'd let them sink down to the bottom and drift there with the long-haired weeds — ;
27 ‘ He was put in with the bread and took out with the cakes . ’
28 It also sets out the rules governing quota transfer and leasing together with the treatment of quota which is not used .
29 He could go to Ireland and join up with the Republican Army , and carry on the fight his father … no , not his father , but the man he loved as a father … had started .
30 He loved his home in Ireland and got on with the people .
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