Example sentences of "[noun] and [verb] [adv] [adv] [that] " in BNC.

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1 Over at the manse the Reverend William McIvor , in a drab overcoat , let himself out by the back door and rode off to the north-east by a back path through the woods near Taymouth Castle , keeping his grey garron on a tight rein and stepping slowly so that the hoof-beats were nearly soundless .
2 The following night Mr Newman went to the address , but was ambushed as he left his car and attacked so violently that half his face was battered beyond recognition .
3 If light of a certain colour shines on the surface , molecules on the surface will absorb the light and heat up so that they ‘ glow ’ in the STM picture .
4 ‘ I wonder , ’ said Ian and laughed so genuinely that Julia was reassured .
5 She winced as her chin was caught between cruel fingers and tilted up so that her frightened eyes were forced to look into his .
6 He took hold of the collar of Lucien 's shirt and pulled hard so that the soft fabric ripped like parchment .
7 The state of mind of day-dream escapers was not simple and they both believed in their plans and knew quite well that they would never carry them out at the same time .
8 The British Government is not prepared to provide a subsidy from the taxpayer and requires probably uniquely that all costs be recovered from the industry , while most Europeans have large parts of their costs met by government …
9 The right approach might possibly be along the lines of : ‘ How about the family closing ranks and getting together now that you need a little help ? ’ or ‘ Give us the pleasure of doing something for you for a change . ’
10 Johnson was human too : in writing to Mrs Thrale he contradicted this point and stated more correctly that both towns had separate civil and academic identities .
11 ‘ Are you — ’ she began , but before she could finish , the little frog was leaping up and down , nodding its head and croaking so loudly that the girls were afraid someone would hear .
12 And with unnerving certainty she knew that something was in the corridor with her — something that blended its colour and shape so perfectly that it was invisible .
13 Now at the ages of 15 , 16 and 18 we speak to a lot more people , we know the staff a lot better and we take part in things such as karaoke and adult games etc , we do not go to the amusements and swim much now that we are older .
14 The hon. Gentleman has listened to the debate and knows perfectly well that a vast variety of views exist within the Northern Ireland parties .
15 This must be the ultimate beach resort in all of Greece — five miles of sand stretching away into the distance in either direction — more than enough for even the most demanding beach baby and relaxed enough so that you can always find a place to sunbathe however you want to .
16 The adoral shields are long with a straight proximal edge and widening distally so that they separate the oral shield from the first lateral arm plate .
17 And told to turn up the next morning , waited another four hours , finally a patient who 'd had an operation for a serious gall bladder operation two days before hand was kicked out of his bed and sent home so that she would be put in the bed , given the operation !
18 The developed world must provide aid for this to happen , and so people need to realise the depth of the problem and pull together so that a large aid programme can be put into practice .
19 In fact , we discovered the problem and acted immediately so that there would be no danger to public health .
20 I heard the screech of protesting steel , then the powerboat bounced off our hull and accelerated away so that , within seconds , its powerful drives were swirling the sea into twin sprays of white water .
21 ‘ The wheel 's made in two parts and bolted together so that you can change a tyre without levers .
22 They also believe their reviews to be less thorough than their female colleagues and believe more strongly that reviews require more help and advice from outsiders .
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