Example sentences of "[noun] and [verb] [v-ing] at [art] " in BNC.

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1 The first Russian to mount the wall fell at once to a bullet from one of Thiercelin 's men , but now a slavonic deluge swamped the wall in a wave of green and grey , bayonets fixed , overran the Frenchmen on the terrace and began smashing at the door .
2 Without a word , Ted climbed out of the car and began pulling at the hedgerow .
3 He does n't come up to the desk straightaway , but gives me a nod and starts looking at the flowers , really closely , like he really knew about them .
4 Harry switched off the engine and sat staring at the big , grey , stone-built mansion with a sense of shock .
5 Lowell returned to the cottage and stood looking at the portrait of Rose .
6 He went back to the piano and sat looking at the keys — afraid to play .
7 Mr Hartley 's mother Isabel said : ‘ He often has barbecues and goes swimming at the river when it 's hot . ’
8 At a meal have a glass of water as well as wine and keep sipping at the water so that it is not your wine glass which is being constantly refilled .
9 He dropped my wrists and began picking at the bread , rolling bits of it into little grey balls .
10 When he was nine he read Hamlet , no doubt a copy from his father 's bookshop , and , as he told Mrs Thrale later , when he came to the ghost scene he left the kitchen fireside and stood reading at the street door in Lichfield in order to ‘ have people about ’ .
11 For the sake of appearances , he picked up another brush and began swatting at the sleeves and lapels of his suit .
12 One day just below their balcony a man had got out of his car and gone to the car in front and opened that car 's door and started shouting at the man inside , and then the car behind had started hooting and others had joined in .
13 She pulled into her drive and sat looking at the house .
14 The detour was to Holmstroyd and involved stopping at the jetty .
15 Donna ordered brandy from the steward and sat gazing at the window of the train .
16 At once he ran to the house and began scratching at the door .
17 The marines were acting as extras and kept jeering at the Hollywood phoneys .
18 Wycliffe felt like patting him on the head , but he thanked him and saw him off with his samples , then he went back to his little office and sat staring at the wall .
19 Charlie now found himself in front and began firing at the Germans as their heads popped up from behind the dug-outs .
20 The next time he left the digging he kept away from Fiver and sat looking at the bank , as though entirely concerned with the work .
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