Example sentences of "[noun] and [verb] [prep] many [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Composed of an allover arrangement of repeating vases and considered by many experts to be one of the most aesthetically accomplished of all Persian designs .
2 I for one value the friendship that he has given me in the eight and a half years that I have been a Member of the House , despite the fact that we are in different parties and disagree on many issues .
3 It is at the forefront of research and teaching in many disciplines and has formed close links with industry and commerce locally , nationally and internationally , whilst , at the same time , providing a caring and supportive environment in which students and staff can develop their abilities to the full .
4 We have taken from the Rottweiler , companionship and help in many fields : hunting , protecting our homes and family , pulling carts , acting as guide dogs for the blind , search and rescue , herding cattle and so on .
5 The best thing about Christmas is buying well thought out gifts that will give pleasure and use for many years to come .
6 Can maths teachers be entrusted with drawing inferences , trends etc. from significant data , or must they automatically stick to anodyne data which will offend no one but will automatically remove true significance from their work and lead to many students being bereft of motivation ?
7 He moved to Headley with his family last year from London , where he had won a reputation as a campaigner in his community , and set up practice as Jack Warshaw Conservation Architecture and Planning after many years as head of conservation at Wandsworth Council .
8 Within a few years of Karak Eight Peaks ' fall the Night Goblins had settled permanently in the ruins and split into many tribes based around the adjoining mountains and the tunnels that ran beneath them .
9 The house was built at the turn of the century as a country home and used for many years as a shooting lodge .
10 It was given a prestigious launch at a conference arranged by the Bedford WEA branch and attended by many supporters including Messrs. Liddle ( Headmaster of Bedford Modern School and Chairman of Bedford 's WEA branch ) , Baines ( Director of Education for the LEA ) , Glazier ( County Librarian and a former part-time WEA tutor ) , Wash ( WEA District Chairman ) and , of course , Pateman as District Secretary .
11 He will be badly injured but will return to the Highlands and live for many years . ’
12 This deficiency is linked in some way to the death of nerve cells that arise in the forebrain and connect to many regions of the cerebral cortex .
13 ‘ The Welsh Office knows very well that meeting this demand will cause serious environmental damage and suffering to many communities ’ , said CPRW 's Director , Dr Neil Caldwell , last night .
14 The Longeval Animal Sanctuary rescues and cares for many animals , and also regularly visit inner-city schools taking lambs , goats , piglets , calves , rabbits etc to give the children there the opportunity to see and touch these animals for themselves .
15 He had to use subterfuge and bluff on many occasions , and was not above resorting to disguise .
16 They are and expect to be exposed to criticism and comment from many quarters within their sphere of activity .
17 Efficiency in competition is thus a prime source of selection and occurs in many aspects of social life .
18 But consider now a misgiving voiced by Linda Woodbridge and shared by many others : ‘ To me the one unsatisfying feature of the otherwise stimulating transvestite movement is that it had to be transvestite : Renaissance women so tar accepted the masculine rules of the game that they felt they had to look masculine to be ‘ free'' ’ ( Women and the English Renaissance , 145 ) .
19 The health visitors at the clinics and on domiciliary visits offer advice and help on many aspects of child-rearing and can refer children for further specialized attention where necessary .
20 The company was set up in 1970 to sell Courtelle acrylic fibre made in Calais , staffed mostly by French people and managed for many years by a Frenchman , .
21 When the neural tube closes ( Chapter 2 ) , a group of cells detaches itself at the site of fusion and migrates to many parts of the body and differentiates into a wide variety of cell types .
22 He and his party were admitted by leave of the Lord Chamberlain and waited with many noblemen , councillors , and gentlemen for the Queen 's appearance .
23 Her invocation of themes and support for many policies favoured by the party 's grass-roots supporters has made the party more radical .
24 In the fifteen years that I have been giving lectures on sleep and dreaming to many groups of sixth-formers as well as undergraduate students , I have , in fact , only once had a single positive response to this question .
25 But in France , as in Germany , anticlericalism inflamed a confrontation of Church and State at many points , from educational policy to marriage laws , and was to finish in disestablishment .
26 Is it because you are expected to express good wishes or thanks , or because you are old and wise and expected to give advice , or because you are an extrovert and known for being humorous , because you are closely related to the other members of the family , or because you are a friend who has known the bride and groom for many years ?
27 had dropped by 35% , increasing unemployment and ending for many farmers a link with the land which stretched back many generations .
28 She is an APRS member and has for many years been a life member of other heritage and conservation bodies .
29 Although walls can be initially quite expensive , they require very little maintenance , little or no staffing and draw in many user visits ( 10,000 per year in Glasgow , 6,000 per year in Fort William ) thus paying for themselves after only a few years .
30 To some , aid destroyed a nation 's social fabric , resulted in unproductive enterprises and maintained in many instances the existing oligarchy ( ruling class ) .
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