Example sentences of "[noun] of which have be [verb] " in BNC.

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1 By the middle of the twentieth century , Britain had developed an electoral system the basic characteristics of which have been delineated above : single-member constituencies , first-past-the-post election to determine the winner in each , and each adult citizen having the right to cast a vote .
2 It was anticipated , therefore , that the Premiers ' talks — three sessions of which had been held since September 1990 — would be resumed in April or May .
3 His artistic career began with a series of paintings based on the thirteenth-century sculpture of the elegant countess of Uta on the façade of Naumburg cathedral , a photograph of which had been lent to him by the young artist Vlady , but in the late fifties he turned his attention to Spanish art .
4 The Asian Wall Street Journal , the circulation of which had been restricted in Singapore since 1987 [ see p. 35463 ] , halted all circulation in mid-October in protest at the new legislation .
5 Behind the wall was part of Moorlake 's garden , but most of the latter lay behind the house itself , and ran down to a small stream , with a view beyond of fields and woods , some forty acres of which had been owned by Alicia Lockwood , the remains of her father 's more extensive holding .
6 Within the complex history of the twentieth century it is possible to discern a number of dominant tendencies , and distinct periods , various aspects of which have been illuminated and made more intelligible by political and sociological thinkers of diverse schools .
7 Yet it is clear in references to natural justice that our conception of law is bound up with ideas of notice , fair hearing , representation and open judgment , aspects of which have been denied in the admission of children to the care of the state , and particularly in parental rights resolutions by local authorities .
8 By placing a tethered owl under a tree , the branches of which had been covered with sticky lime , it was possible to trap small birds as they gathered to mob the bird of prey .
9 However , this barrier was removed by s. 3 of the 1978 Act , the effect of which has been to enable a party to bring an action against any one partner for the recovery of the partnership debt irrespective of the liability of other partners .
10 The first was simply a codeword one of his paid agents had stumbled upon : a single Mandarin character , the indentation of which had been left on a notepad Jan Mach had discarded .
11 On Dec. 23 two Palestinians were shot dead and more than 40 injured during fresh unrest in the Gaza Strip , the borders of which had been opened that day for the first time since the abduction of Toledano .
12 ( a ) a director or member of the body is or has been a director or member of a recognised body which has been the subject of an order or direction under paragraphs 18 or 21 of Schedule 2 to the Act or the recognition of which has been revoked under Rule 10 of these Rules or has expired under Rule 9 of these Rules ; or
13 The Madrid meeting was technically the second part of the 11th special session of the Treaty conference , the first part of which had been held in Vina del Mar , Chile , at the end of 1990 [ see ED no. 41-42 ] .
14 The reasons underlying that decision and the factors that my right hon. Friend and I took into account are fully set out in the letter of 1 November to the chairman of the Countryside Council for Wales , copies of which have been placed in the Library .
15 I move that the minutes of the meeting of the council held on thirtieth of June nineteen ninety three , copies of which have been circulated to members , to be taken as read , confirmed and signed .
16 I remember asking on the shop floor of a division , the board of which had been reduced from fifteen to four , what the major difference was This was not because the fifteen previous board members had felt to be down the line , and was told , to my surprise , that the biggest difference was that they now knew what was going on .
17 In 1324 war broke out between England and France over the destruction by the Seneschal of Gascony of the fortress of Saint Sardos on the border between Gascony and the Agenais , the building of which had been authorized by Charles IV of France in the previous year .
18 Note that these resonators were cylindrical extensions of Hertzian loops , the resonant wavelength of which had been calculated by Hector Macdonald of Aberdeen in 1902 as 7.94 x the diameter of the loop .
19 It was later revealed that this was the 15th such shipment to Israel since October 1990 ( the majority of which had been made under BND auspices ) .
20 In patients who undergo surgery recurrence and death are often attributed to unsuspected early metastatic disease the presence of which has been documented in necropsies performed relatively soon after surgery .
21 It may be that the increased protein synthesis by these tumours represents an increased production of secretory mucoprotein , the synthesis of which has been measured , in addition to the structural proteins , by the ‘ flooding dose ’ method .
22 This comparative approach can also be used to analyse brainstem areas , the functions of which have been modified by the evolution of neocortical areas .
23 It had a peak of over 31,000 contracts on 5 October 1990 when sterling joined the ERM , the announcement of which had been delayed until the main London cash markets closed .
24 Casimir Oye Mba was on May 3 formally installed as Prime Minister of a transitional government , membership of which had been announced on April 29 .
25 The Second Period was the time during which was laid down the evidence the nature of which has been revealed by men such as Charles Darwin and others , who gave to the world an understanding of the way in which evolution has operated through thousands of millions of years .
26 The need has not diminished following the government 's whistle-blowers ' charter , the inadequacies of which have been exposed by Dr Helen Zeitlin , vice-president of the NHS Support Federation ( Guardian letters , October 22 ) .
27 Recombinant DNA is produced by combining DNAs from different sources , the process of which has been discussed in detail by Gingold ( 1988 ) .
28 Erm I must confess to doubting whether such a pool of talent exists and I share the views er of the Noble Lord , Lord Motterstone who in a very powerful and commonsense speech made this point an and a number of other ones , but I have to say that what I do think exists is the temptation to create posts for friends of the Government , a process of which has been going for far too long and I mem and I wonder if er members on the other side would defend this position as my Noble Friend Lord Allen said earlier , quite sincerely if , say , another party were in power before when such a time arrives it will then be of little avail for them to run around complaining , for they will have sown the seeds of their own dissatisfaction .
29 In addition aid money from the food programme , which by 1989 was worth $1,300 million per year to Iraq in loan guarantees , was channelled through the Atlanta branch of the Italian-owned Banca Nazionale del Lavoro , officials of which had been indicted for a separate multi-million dollar fraud involving arms for Iraq in 1989 [ see pp. 37425-26 ] .
30 The poster had been pinned onto a large wooden board to the top of which had been affixed a very small Lebanese flag .
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