Example sentences of "[noun] of the [noun sg] over [pron] " in BNC.

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1 When she did Athelstan poured the dregs of the wine over it , cleaned a dusty part of the room and put it beneath his cloak .
2 It is a fundamental feature of Rawls ' conception of the fairness of the original position that it should not permit the choice of principles of justice to depend on a particular conception of the good over which the parties may differ .
3 THE BBC 'S influential general advisory council will today urge Marmaduke Hussey to resign as chairman of the corporation over his role in the appointment of John Birt as director-general .
4 Several minutes rock still and the sentries no doubt mistook him for a part of the shore over which the seas were gently breaking .
5 — The people commit themselves to a life of obedience , and Moses sprinkles the remainder of the blood over them ( verse 8 ) — identifying them with the sacrifice made on their behalf both initially and for the failures and sins of everyday life .
6 Proposals to alter Zimbabwe 's Constitution , following the ending in April 1990 of the 10-year moratorium on constitutional changes , precipitated disagreements within the leadership of the ruling ZANU party , with President Robert Mugabe reportedly opposed by the majority of the politburo over his proposals to introduce a one-party state structure .
7 This proposal has become known as " Saint-Venant 's principle " , often interpreted as implying that local eccentricities of stress are not felt in distances greater than the largest linear dimension of the area over which the forces are distributed .
8 He shoved a bin liner of the stuff over his head , it stuck to his hair and he collapsed .
9 He shoved a bin liner of the stuff over his head , it stuck to his hair and he collapsed .
10 As the guardians of customary morality , the ancestors judiciously appraise the actions of their descendants , punishing any who commit such ‘ sins ’ as flouting the elder 's authority or threatening the harmony of the group over which he presides .
11 They must count out three paces , turn round quickly and throw the contents of the cup over their opponent .
12 If Charlemagne strove to achieve the regeneration and salvation of the society over which he ruled , this could only be done in association with the clergy .
13 Thus the essence of the charge is not determined by the nature of the property over which it is created but rather by the degree of freedom accorded to the company to deal with this property in the normal course of business .
14 It all started with the idea of re-establishing the archive of the Verein Berliner Kunstlerinnen ( Association of Women Artists in Berlin ) which was destroyed during the second world war and developed into a journey of discovery , which has reached this point with the following achievements : 1200 women artists on record ; many works discovered ; the archive set up ; a profusely illustrated catalogue ( in fact the word catalogue does not give an idea of the range of articles contained in it since it covers the history of women artists in German-speaking countries , to art-business oriented articles , to facets of the history of the association , followed by a chronological development of the association and a full catalogue of the works on show , divided into sections , as they are in the exhibition ) ; a dictionary with short biographies of 1200 artists and 700 friends of art called Kathe , Paula und der ganze Rest — Ein Nachschlagewerk ( Kathe , Paula and the rest of the bunch ! — A Reference Book ) , which has caused something of a stir ; and of course , finally , the exhibition showing the works of 70 of the members and guests of the association over its 125 year life , which includes 250 works loaned by 100 institutions and individuals .
15 And this in turn suggests its own moral , which is a constant theme of structuralist poetics : The primacy of the system over what it represents is a conclusion that poetics derives from the extension of the Saussurean model to the sphere of the grammar of literature ; and now we find literature itself endorsing these conclusions .
16 He pulled the top of the shift over her head .
17 Load the pears carefully on top and pour the rest of the wine over them .
18 They were part of a broader argument against the powers of the state over what could and could not be published and what ideas could and could not be tolerated .
19 The course to the north is called ‘ Bruntsfield ’ and they are the owners of the land over which the path runs .
20 Athelstan breathed a prayer for patience , made a sign of the cross over himself and followed suit .
21 He may have no reason to acknowledge the authority of the government over him regarding the road worthiness of his car .
22 What Smith 's conflation effectively conceals is the authority of the capitalist over his employees , who are ‘ merely the members of a total mechanism which belongs to him ’ ( p. 477 ) .
23 She watched cider pressing and said ‘ they pound their apples then lay fresh straw on the press , and on that a good lay of pulp of the apples , then turneth the ends of the straw over it all round ’ .
24 During this period control of the Crown over what remained of the Forest administration dwindled away .
25 They will also find themselves at the centre of the debate over which sources are published and which are not .
26 Then Blanche — with a cool and deliberate swing-threw the remnants of the whisky over it .
27 ‘ The size of the earth over which one may roam shrinks day by day , until it decreases to the house , — to one 's room , — to one 's bed ; and finally to the narrowest space of all . ’
28 ‘ Except for the size of the camera over your shoulder , ’ Maggie pointed out wryly .
29 This may in part be explained by one half of the reciprocity taking the form of labour services and trade in consumables ; a large proportion of the goods which may be considered of high value by reason of the distance over which the raw materials had been transported , and their resulting rarity , may have been given for services , gifts or payments for work , what may be termed institutional exchange .
30 The huge warped circle of the rising sun shone in their desperate faces and cast the shadow of the pageant over their lower bodies .
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