Example sentences of "[noun] of the [noun] [am/are] now " in BNC.

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1 Nineteen ninety three is gon na be the first year in which the full benefits of this cost cutting are gon na come through and whilst it 's always a continuing process and there will be some further redundancies , I am glad to say that we believe that the bulk of the redundancies are now behind us .
2 To accelerate to flying speed the noses of the floats are now lowered onto their bow waves , lifting their tails from the water and minimising drag by running along on their small middle portion , or step .
3 The health-care task force , which is due to deliver its report to the president any day now , has outdone all previous committees on every imaginable measure : size ( it had 500 full-time members and innumerable hangers-on ) , complexity ( it was divided into 15 ‘ cluster groups ’ and 34 working groups ) , rigour ( the heads of the working-groups are now having their work reassessed by ‘ auditors ’ and ‘ contrarians ’ ) ; and , not least , ambition .
4 But good though this record is , no system is perfect and accordingly the Church Commissioners and the Department of the Environment are now looking at ways in which the non-statutory public inquiries can be improved to become an even more effective forum for weighing all points of view in particularly difficult cases .
5 As a measure of the way British politics has strutted to the right over the past decade , the policies of the SNP are now considered radical , although they are broadly similar to those of the Heath school of one-nation Conservatism !
6 Large areas of the lake are now lacking in oxygen ( anoxic ) .
7 Deer numbers have been climbing steadily ever since the animals became a valuable resource for owners of stalking rights , and in many areas of the Highlands are now at levels which the land can not easily support .
8 The countries of the Pacific are now inhabited by half the world 's people — 2,400 million of them .
9 As a result , the paper-producing countries of the world are now facing severe problems of ground and water contamination by dioxins .
10 Some of the most gifted broadcasters of the past are now no longer with the ZBS .
11 What percentage of the workers are now in the five main industries ?
12 New enhanced versions of the software are now available .
13 The sharp outlines of the colonies are now misted with opalescence .
14 The rest of the travellers are now expected to move on .
15 Last autumn the CEGB 's chairman , Sir Walter Marshall , said that ‘ my reputation and the economics of the PWR are now most at risk from fuel-clad ballooning . ’
16 The team I tipped at the start of the season are now moving into overdrive .
17 It is hardly surprising that a tiny minority of the signatories are now beginning to say , ’ We will not do what the treaty calls upon us to do ; we will do what the United Kingdom does . ’
18 ‘ In my judgment the interests of the children are now to be taken into account and to be considered in relation to all the circumstances of the case including in relation to the general desirability that children wrongfully removed from their place of habitual residence should be returned .
19 ‘ In my judgment the interests of the children are now to be taken into account and to be considered in relation to all the circumstances of the case including in relation to the general desirability that children wrongfully removed from their place of habitual residence should be returned .
20 Members of the public are now used to shopping around to find a firm which provides a service in a form and of a quality which the client wants at a price which the client is prepared to pay .
21 It is understood that councillors who voted in favour of the motion are now to consult with the Department of the Environment over the legality of offering waste collection free of charge to Orange halls .
22 Unfortunately , in the pull-your-belts-in early Nineties this breed is on the decline , and a disproportionate number of the clientele are now American .
23 Yet the banking Brits , too , chose to ignore the lessons of previous fiascos and bankers on both sides of the Atlantic are now trying to recoup by exacting most onerous prices : thus breaching another first principle .
24 The focal points of the diagram are now arranged down the left-hand side of Figure 7.2 below .
25 Both the guildhouses and the House of the Noblemen are now restaurants .
26 Formerly organised and billeted to defend China against a massive Soviet attack from the north , parts of the army are now being reorganised to form rapid-deployment forces .
27 All parts of the engine are now functioning sweetly and the newest component can take a lot of the credit for that .
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