Example sentences of "[noun] of the [noun] that [pron] " in BNC.

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1 After all it was introduced , and Mrs Thatcher has made a great deal of the fact that it is a head tax not a property tax , it 's the voters she wants answerable , well I 've yet to find an empty house that voted .
2 But by now I was crazed with the idea of doing something for this woman that retained some shred of playfulness to it , so she could think to herself : ‘ All in fun , all in fun ’ , and yet which conveyed the full force of the idea that I had been alone in that office that weekend with a huge erection thinking of her .
3 The middle classes , based on manufacture in the emerging industrial towns , and a working class made out of these self-same developments , gained a consciousness of the fact that they were unrepresented and politically disadvantaged within the eighteenth-century constitution .
4 It is rather sad that due to the subsequent rather narrow defeat of the motion that we find that such a large complement of Northern Labour MPs absented themselves from such a vital environmental vote due to prior engagements and by doing so thus failed to support their Labour colleague Kevin McNamara , the sponsor of the Bill , and failed to contribute to ending once and forever this sickening , depraved social pastime .
5 It was said in the 1840S of a future President of the republic that he had the advantage of the ‘ magic and mystery of a name ’ .
6 A few months before , when she was much younger , she would have screeched this aloud and brought the breakfast table to an uproar , but now she smiled while the coldness took careful and eternal appreciation of the fact that he had been flattered to be asked .
7 A little elementary knowledge of the geography of the area that one is searching is usually sufficient to solve the problem of correct identification .
8 This point , incidentally , when made in a discussion or in a group , makes the upholder of the view that there is no basic antagonism and hostility in human relationships very angry indeed !
9 Erm and that nomination would subsequently lapse should you marry or erm on the death , marriage or remarriage of the person that you actually nominated .
10 Four Australian cricket-writers and one Australian team manager will never forget the day at net practice in Christchurch on the 1985–86 tour of New Zealand when , during a routine discussion with the journalists on preparation for a one-day match , he made mention of the fact that he intended to resign if his shattered team did not win the match the following Saturday .
11 Users may feel that the new system will make their job less secure , will make their relationship with others change for the worse , or will lead to a loss of the independence that they previously enjoyed .
12 There is no insistence from management that a certain proportion of tickets be given every shift , so his behaviour was more a result of the way that he defined the role of neighbourhood policemen as having crime control responsibilities .
13 Preliminary reports from local education authorities do not suggest that students have abandoned their courses as a result of the changes that we have made .
14 If we have the same amount of cold weather this winter as we had last winter , we will more or less double the coverage of the benefit as a result of the changes that I announced earlier this year .
15 as a result of the conditions that I worked under .
16 Few people will dispute that that is largely a result of the legislation that we passed to reform industrial relations .
17 The timing of notices was determined by the fact that all tenants will be protected by the Landlord and Tenant ( Licensed Premises ) Act 1990 by July 1992 as a result of the legislation that we enacted last year at the tenants ' request .
18 If that is the case that each of the political parties , as I assume is the case for er the Conservative party , I know it to be the case of the Labour party I assume the same is true for the Liberal Democrats and other parties represented in this house , that they undertake the very considerable organisational er er process of selecting candidates only to find a few weeks before June the ninth , that as a result of the difficulties that I 've described as far as the French government attitude towards these elections is concerned , that er in fact we have to revert to the existing arrangements and that we can not have these new er boundaries in place .
19 We have found the leaks , and we have connected all , we have reconnected all of the er supplies , including a supply to the cathedral field , which has never been billed in the past er because of erm damage to their meter , it 's only used twenty seven gallons but twenty seven litres , but whilst I 've been here , it 's a water meadow from the result of the water that we 've been supplying to that particular field .
20 ‘ No , Michael , I honestly think it 's the result of the system that we 're part of … ’
21 It is , however , the polonium ingested by the public as a result of the fire that we are concerned with .
22 I very much hope that the work that we are already doing will lead to initiatives being taken by those countries as a result of the guidance that we have given at local government , as well as national , level .
23 My Lord the er plaintiff 's case is that as a result of the advice that he was given by Mr er it was clear to him that he had no way out of this contract , that he was committed to it and that he had no choice but to proceed with the matter and there was then er further discussion on the telephone on this day , Friday , between Mr and Mr to where they were going here and Mr said he would now write to the plaintiff setting out what his options were to him and the letter than was sent by Mr was dated the twenty second of October and the letter , the relevant terms of this letter are set out in a statement of claim expressing at paragraph three eleven of this statement saying and of course er that is admitted by the er defendant .
24 On November 28 Hatta resigned from the office of Vice-president , deploring the drift towards chaos : ‘ All our rebellions and our splits , our political anarchy and adventurism , and all the steps taken in the economic field which have created chaos , are the result of the fact that our national Revolution was not dammed up at the appropriate time . ’
25 Furthermore , the duty to uphold and support just institutions is , in some respects , wider than the duty which devolves on one as a result of the fact that someone has legitimate authority over one , in three different ways .
26 It is time that the Government examined the issue because as a result of the policy that they are actively backing — or at least not opposing — the consumer will face colossal electricity bills because of the escalation in gas-fired power stations .
27 It was also believed that Menelik visited his father Solomon , and on his departure contrived to substitute a copy of the Ark of the Covenant that his father had given him for the original , which he then carried off to Aksum .
28 Is it the mind of the assembly that we accept this ?
29 Certainly the intermediate standing of many of these men is plain to see ; the alternating qualifications of £10 in lands and £100 in goods seem specifically designed to cater for small-town merchants and the less affluent London ones , conceding statutory confirmation of the observation that they ‘ often change estate with gentlemen ’ .
30 Soon they were both laughing openly , and it was only when they took refuge in a close study of the menu that they were able to regain the control that the supercilious wine waiter clearly thought appropriate to his establishment .
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