Example sentences of "[noun] was [vb pp] by many [noun] " in BNC.

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1 However , the professor was defended by many advocates of Afrocentric education who characterized criticism of his stance as indicative of anti-black racism .
2 The " regional policeman " policy of Rajiv Gandhi during the last years of his administration was interpreted by many observers as part of a desire to strengthen India 's position as a regional superpower , despite the country 's avowed non-aligned policy .
3 The proposal was supported by many delegates from Estonia , Latvia and Lithuania , as well as Moldavia and reformist delegates from Russia and elsewhere .
4 Inevitably the resuscitation of the proposal was associated by many observers with Lee 's impending retirement .
5 My divorce was followed by many relationships .
6 Our Lady was seen by many people , and they call it the shrine of Our Lady of Carns .
7 At the same time concern was growing in the business community over the government 's increasingly critical attitude toward the USA , Japan 's biggest trade partner , and by mid-March Miyazawa 's position as leader was considered by many observers to be in danger .
8 Although involvement in its aims was welcomed by many organisations , others ‘ spoke of mixed reactions or resistance ’ .
9 The Imperial Typewriters strike was seen by many people as a defeat .
10 This empirical and time consuming search for an effective strategy was mentioned by many arts interviewees , although every advisory teacher appears to have come to similar conclusions ultimately about which classroom practices were effective and which not .
11 The pro-life chain was backed by many supporters in Altrincham , Wythenshawe , Hale and other Shrewsbury parishes .
12 The new state was beset by many problems but over-shadowing all was the Dutch refusal to hand over New Guinea .
13 The traditional association of the Democrats with minority interests was seen by many Republicans as an issue which would continue to erode the former party 's support in the South , a crucial common factor in the Democratic candidate 's defeat in five of the six presidential elections since 1968 .
14 The overemphasis on nuclear weapons and missiles at the expense of conventional forces was seen by many observers , both military and civilian , to have gone too far , too fast , and too soon ; but the political prize of ending National Service had been seized and that was all that mattered to the Macmillan Government in 1957 .
15 The Jubilee Ball in the Management Centre was attended by many members of staff and the University Court and alumni .
16 Schooling was seen by many parents as an irrelevance at best ; at worst as a downright intrusion .
17 Though it was not mandated by the enabling legislation , environmental improvement was seen by many planners as a necessary condition before the street could become one based on human dimensions rather than those of traffic .
18 The Home Support Project was influenced by many research findings and innovative schemes carried out elsewhere .
19 Sofaer nodded , and Lorre was seized by many pairs of dusky hands .
20 The film was seen by many critics as Lester 's least satisfactory during that period , but it was probably far better than he believed at the time , while embroiled in battles with Frank .
21 Despite assurances from GM that it would maintain the British content of Land Rover vehicles at existing levels , considerable unease was felt by many politicians .
22 The ‘ if not ’ prefix was interpreted by many respondents to mean that a ‘ yes ’ to question 1 logically required a ‘ no ’ to question 2 .
23 Although attractive as a cost-controlling measure , the fixed budget was considered by many experts to be unrealistic in practice , particularly when funding projects which required the development of new technologies .
24 The crusade was inspired by many motives , of which one can surely say that the lowest — and perhaps , with less conviction , the highest too — were religious .
25 Through the efforts of our Press Officer , Lucy Jackson , our Stand was sponsored by many individuals and Our Price Records .
26 China rejected the proposal outright , while the speech was regarded by many Tibetans as a betrayal of the cause of Tibetan independence .
27 The cyclical nature of events was regarded by many thinkers as inevitable , because it was thought that otherwise they would be deprived of both ‘ rationality ’ and ‘ legality ’ .
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