Example sentences of "[noun] was [vb pp] [pron] would [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The tiles had taken a month to arrive , and if a replacement batch was required it would mean her hanging fire on the commission for another four weeks .
2 A new complex was planned which would process the new type of uranium oxide fuel being used in more recent designs of nuclear power stations .
3 Neil , 23 , of Wythenshawe in Manchester , is still recovering from shock , but Sue was determined they would have a Christmas to remember .
4 Finnish Environment Minister , Kaj Barlund , said that sulphur deposits in the south of the country " surpass the level nature can bear by two or three times " and that unless action was taken they would face serious problems in the next 10-20 years .
5 The wet journeys back and forth were , she explained , a weary imposition on her time , and she had decided that until the work was done she would pass the nights there .
6 Laura Frost was told she would have to pay two per cent commission — 16p — because neither she , nor her mother , Wendy , had an account at NatWest .
7 The rumour was that Peace was told he would get the sack , if he dared to criticize Andrew 's conduct again .
8 Hector Buckley was told he would make many lifelong friends and some enemies , and found this to be true ; but he was involved again in 1988 .
9 It is not ever so contagious , so as more than one of your fish was affected I would put it down to your water conditions .
10 Mr. Williams , the bank manager , said in evidence : ‘ before the charge was signed I would have to be satisfied that she knew what she was saying . ’
11 Emily sighed , unless Craig 's name was cleared she would remain an old maid for ever , she would never accept second best whatever her father said .
12 If the Hinkley C power station was built he would lose about 150 acres of his best land .
13 If meaning depended on the value of a continuous variable , then every time the message was replicated it would change , however slightly .
14 We were on the top flat , so I could n't get out to play ; my Ma was feared I 'd fall down the stone stairs and break my neck .
15 Four young men were appearing on chargers of peddling drugs , an old lady had had her hand chopped off whilst attempting to retain her purse , containing just two and eightpence , and a motorway to end all motorways was proposed which would wipe out six particularly exquisite villages and several hundred miles of countryside .
16 If the legislation was passed he would find it difficult to remain a diocesan bishop .
17 I also stated that when I felt that things were going well and the government was settled I would take a trip and that trip starts now .
18 In December the formation of a Command of the People 's Army was announced which would carry out the professional management of the defence forces ; Lt-Gen Kalman Loerincz became commander , with the government rank of State Secretary .
19 I have to admit that if the situation was reversed I would go bonkers with frustration , so I take my hat off to him — but not my shirt .
20 A new system was needed which would avoid these contradictions and which so unified existing rights in land as to ‘ enable shifts of value to operate within the same ownership ’ .
21 If an order was cancelled we would have difficulty finding another buyer .
22 And at least Gesner was determined it would work .
23 Then the ruling was reversed in the appeal court and Councillor Gilberthorpe was told he 'd have to pay all legal costs which could reach £300,000 .
24 Next summer mum was told she would have to go back into hospital for a long time , and because I already knew the place , I agreed to go back to the Cheshire Home for this period .
25 When the watch was started they would have fifty-five seconds to move clear .
26 When money was required she would calculate resources , inform people of the need , then go ahead trusting that God would move people to respond .
27 A rigid class system was established , and soon an urbanised and caste- and status-conscious bourgeoise was established which would keep the lower orders under control without demanding too much from the colonisers .
28 Mr Devall said if the nitrate removal plant house was built it would take water from the Stour , remove nitrates from part of it for drinking water in Essex and return the rest into the Stour .
29 The adoption contract might contain a proviso that if a natural son was born he would take precedence as the legal heir .
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