Example sentences of "[noun] was [adv] [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 In 1973 Kylie was off to the local school , Camberwell primary .
2 Jamila was soon in the felicitous position of neither liking nor disliking her husband .
3 Tayside 's deputy chief constable William Spence , noting the report , said there had been various elements of improvement and said his force was still above the national average in detection .
4 Mr Rosen 's attack on the lists was not with the particular choice of titles — indeed the list was so extensive that no one could possibly be against them all .
5 Definitions are difficult , but so far as the workstation market can be defined , Dataquest reckons that it gained only 4.2% in 1992 , following a 14.5% gain in 1991 , and suggests that the slowdown in revenue was down to the overall mix of workstations shipped shifting towards lower-priced systems , and to the poor economic climate in Japan , so that the market crept up to $9,000m .
6 He stressed that GRE was back in the black due to significant improvement in its non-life insurance business , particularly in the UK .
7 Emily 's mind was partly on the enjoyable walk she had taken with Heinrich , who had unexpectedly proved a most delightful companion during the week ; partly on the bright green foulard dress she had seen on sale at Bobby 's in Margate yesterday when they visited the famous menagerie at the Grand Hall by the Sea , and partly it was on the coming evening .
8 A small part of his mind was still on the unidentified weapon in the Connon case .
9 We work with about 60 women a year , and I know many of them would genuinely say that at the start they were unemployable , that they could have gone back to drugs , ended up back in prison , but they did n't because Clean Break was there at the right time for them , to give them the opportunities they needed .
10 Her talk was all about the recent fine weather , the record yield , the completion of harvest — all but the linseed .
11 This effect was less in the intention-to-treat analysis : 3/30 vs 9/30 ( relative risk=0.33 , CI=0.10–1.11 , p=0.106 ) .
12 MacLane was still on the running board , his arm wedged into the squashed wreck of the car .
13 Now to be fair , the dilemma was there as the whole soft crust thing got going on 10 November 1989 , when the fall of the Berlin Wall gave a prop of plausibility to the caring-Nineties mediaschlock , and to Rifat Ozbek 's baggy Kleenex-vagabond numbers .
14 Ellen was also in the winning team last year which will make it a hat-trick if the 1993 season brings her another win .
15 Carole Swan was back in the Grand Hotel around midnight .
16 She saw with disappointment that Rupert Stonebird was not among the little group that Sophia was now bringing into the room .
17 Kubitsky was below on the main bay deck .
18 The nuclear-free zone proposal was reportedly in the annual ASEAN discussions in 1986 , and Soviet spokesmen underlined press reports at the close of the following annual ASEAN Conference in June 1987 that specific plans were being worked out to set up such a zone which would be examined at a summit level meeting of the ASEAN states in Manila in December .
19 The appeal of the New Connexion was largely to the industrial poor ; Primitive Methodism attracted humble folk not only in the towns but in the agricultural villages as well .
20 and all our shopping was down at the Old Town , you had to go down this lane to the Old Town if you wanted a stamp
21 ‘ You have not enquired as to the size of the fortune , ’ Colonel Moore said , in a tone which suggested that Hope was somehow in the wrong for this negligence .
22 Where he differed from Darwin was mainly on the critical issue of evolution , i.e. , the proposition that one species could change over time into another species , but his arguments on these matters were by no means obscurantist or naive .
23 The entrance with its kiosk and museum was away at the far side , and not inhabited by night .
24 However , it was quickly made plain that independence was not on the Japanese agenda .
25 He recently purchased some capacitors ( from a well established supplier ) only to find ( on close examination ) that the marked working voltage was well below the advertised value .
26 Fergus was also in the right field , which was literary theory .
27 Fifteen years after the incident the issue was again before the Privy Council in a case inevitably to be known as The Wagon Mound ( No 2 ) [ 19671 1 AC 617 .
28 Timothy Sainsbury , the Under-Secretary of State at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office , on March 7 insisted in the British House of Commons that the UK had no intention of giving up sovereignty of the islands and that the issue was not on the political agenda .
29 Held , allowing the appeal , that once an order was made under section 31 of the Children Act 1989 placing a child in the care of a local authority , responsibility for the care of the child was firmly with the local authority and the family proceedings court could not retain a power of review over the care order by including directions ; and that , accordingly , the direction relating to the continued involvement of the guardian ad litem would be deleted ( post , p. 812B , G ) .
30 Since the disagreement was only about the implicit extension of conventions they all recognized at a more abstract level , they could all be said to be soft conventionalists .
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