Example sentences of "[noun] was [verb] in that [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Tension was rising in that city ; so was the militancy .
2 But because the F major , treble-clef version was published in 1692 , it has been argued that the dialogue was composed in that key , with Mopsa sung by a soprano in the original show and uproariously ‘ sent up ’ by Pate in the revival — hence the G major , alto-clef version in the theatre score .
3 People liked what they saw in Reagan and the campaign was won in that debate .
4 Only if the coin list from a site varied in some particular way from the typical pattern would we be justified in drawing any specific conclusion about it : an absence of fourth-century coins , say , would strongly suggest that the site was abandoned in that period .
5 York and in fact the southern bypass for Harrogate and Knaresborough was shown in that fashion .
6 The population was controlled in that way instead of by ferreting .
7 Fine Art Facsimile Publishers of Lucerne have produced a high quality reproduction of the late fourteenth to early fifteenth-century manuscript illuminated in The Hague during the reign of Albrecht of Bavaria whose court was based in that city .
8 When one comes to look at the judgments in the American Economic Laundry case , it appears clear that the approach which the court was adopting in that case was to regard the tenant against whom a possession order had been made as a statutory tenant who did not have all the rights to protection conferred by the Rent Restriction Acts .
9 Auguste was pontificating in that voice he used solely for discussing cuisine , a mixture of reverence , excitement , practicality and anticipation .
10 She was persuaded to concede on that point , then proposed to share everything with the production team — until it was pointed out that if just one penny , or a single biscuit was diverted in that direction , and it became known , we 'd be lynched .
11 Maitrey , too , offered Gooch consolation , saying : ‘ The ball was turning in that net for anyone who bowled .
12 ‘ I suspect poor Irvine was murdered in that convent when he loosed his trews , either to relieve himself or … ’
13 In 1909 a Seditious Offences Bill was introduced in that country to punish publications which were designed to ‘ inflame an excitable and ignorant populace ’ .
14 The court held that no offence was committed in that case , since the person at whom the conduct was directed was an undercover policeman who was unlikely to be provoked to violence , and no offence would be committed under the Act either , for the same reasons .
15 A large quantity of Mozart 's music was published in that year , 1785 , perhaps reflecting the ever-growing demand from the newly affluent middle classes for music which they could buy and play at home .
16 During his last years he lived in Switzerland , and his novel Hidden Hands was set in that country .
17 That Leapor was employed in that house is entirely plausible since Susanna Jennens was the daughter of Sir John Blencowe who had employed the poet 's father .
18 As the result of lengthy investigations into the Duzme Mustafa revolt , Mehmed Sah was implicated in that affair ; and , Husameddin relates , " Molla Fenari grieved greatly that at the end of the investigations , in the year 832 , Mehmed Sah Efendi passed over the bridge of death together with Candarlizade Ibrahim Pasa and the Grand Vezir Haci Ivaz Pasa . "
19 Ten years later , in 1935 , the year of McDougall 's retirement another attempt at explanation was made in that year 's annual report : In view of the fact that there appears to be a feeling in some quarters that the British Deaf and Dumb Association has outlived its usefulness the executive committee desires to make the position clear by the following statement : The British Deaf and Dumb Association is the oldest National Organisation for the Deaf in the country .
20 ‘ Positive discrimination ’ in favour of boys was operated in that context for many years , yet such ‘ discrimination ’ in favour of girls — such as by providing them with extra help in their mathematics , or the opportunity to make up lost ground in CDT — is generally frowned upon .
21 Now Mr , in the light of what Mr has said , do you understand that if the structure plan key diagram was amended in that way , it will still yo leave you and your clients open to challenge , or you would have a better chance of challenging er the er preferred option of the County Councils at the next stage , which is either through the local plan channel or through the er the the planning application stage for the highway ?
22 No reduction was made in that case .
23 Miss Forsythe said : ‘ Mayhem and destruction was caused in that department .
24 Miss Forsythe said : ‘ Mayhem and destruction was caused in that department .
25 An injunction was granted in that case to enforce that duty ordering the owner to maintain a hoarding around a vacant piece of his land or find some other way to prevent trespassers from using and depositing filth and refuse there , which amongst other things , gave rise to foul odours .
26 King Henry IV proved not to be popular , mainly because he had to ward off constant attempts to usurp him , and all his energy was directed in that pursuit , so that he died at an age of less than forty-seven , in March 1413 .
27 So that the present tense was used in that Act , as it is in section 31 of the Children Act 1989 .
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