Example sentences of "[noun] is so [adj] that the " in BNC.

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1 Recommendations may include safety factors in practical areas , for instance , home economics or chemistry , and suggested alternative activities in cases where sight loss is so severe that the general activity is inappropriate , for example , judo or weight lifting instead of football .
2 Also , the neck is so straight that the frets have needed hardly any dressing at all .
3 However , the number of people who return to education once they have left school or college is so low that the age of finishing full-time education is often used as a simple indicator .
4 The clubhead is changing from going up to coming down and the resultant force is so great that the wrists break more fully … if you 're relaxed .
5 He is such a lucid writer — and although he defends himself ably against the charge of superficiality ( which has been levelled since I was a student ) the breadth of his scholarship is so immense that the defence seems unnecessary .
6 The words ‘ reasonably satisfied ’ and ‘ substantially fewer ’ are selected deliberately ; for the alternative is so grave that the choice ought not to be made on only a narrow margin of evidence or probability .
7 The glissando is so rapid that the repetitions of certain notes in it are not heard .
8 But for larger numbers of mutational steps , even in the case of the biomorphs with their nine little genes , the mathematical space of all possible trajectories is so vast that the chance of two trajectories ever arriving at the same point becomes vanishingly small .
9 The lintel is so low that the only man who can enter is the man who is down on his knees .
10 Seasonal work is so uncertain that the pickers are forced to work whatever the conditions just to make a few extra pesos .
11 Even so , the margin for error is so huge that the upshot of the calculation remains valid : among the world 's population of E. coli , every possible mutation is occurring an enormous number of times a day .
12 The migration is so great that the countryside looks almost emptied .
13 It has been argued that human wealth is so illiquid that the greater is this h ratio , the greater will be the demand for money to compensate for the limited marketability of human wealth .
14 Thus in the above example , investors are willing to pay slightly more in terms of time value for calls than for puts but the difference is so slight that the indicator is in this case quite inconclusive .
15 The tank 's lid is so good that the suction is enough to seal it , with the ring clamp .
16 Time is assumed discrete , but the time period is so short that the probability of two or more vacancies coming to the individual 's notice within any given period is zero .
17 Messenger is not , of course , suggesting that women 's writing in the period is so fragmented that the concept is basically useless , but that the writing of women can not be reduced to a single critical proposition .
18 Initial tests of Mainsborne have revealed one problem : at times the electrical noise on the mains is so intense that the signals fail to arrive .
19 The combination of results needed to deprive the Republic of their first appearance in the World Cup finals is so fantastic that the possibility can be discounted .
20 Often the volume of urgent management business at a governors ' meeting is so great that the welfare of children in a caring environment can become a marginal issue .
21 This area of business is so important that the nuclear nations should throw overboard all thought of evenhandedness .
22 However , getting the temperature just right for life to arise on a planet is so unlikely that the chances of it occurring are billions to one against .
23 Since the collapse of communist rule in 1989 some improvements to the cityscape have been made , but the damage to buildings is so serious that the government has declared the city a disaster zone .
24 Mahogany is a very warm wood as far as tone is concerned , but this body is so thin that the result is quite bright and snappy — great for jazz/fusion rhythm sounds and a perfect foil for sound processing .
25 We suppose , however , that the concentration diffusivity is so small that the particle conserves its concentration ,
26 In practice the probability of such words occurring in adjacent positions is so low that the problem is negligible .
27 Some researchers point out that no radiation dose is so small that the body can perfectly repair all resulting damage to DNA and chromosomes , and they suggest that many of the published estimates of the health effects of Chernobyl radiation are too conservative .
28 Recall that it exists where the interest rate is so low that the demand for money becomes perfectly interest-elastic .
29 Interest rates have halved in the past 10 years to 5.75% , because Singapore 's savings rate is so high that the banks are flush with funds .
30 Indeed , one commentator has argued that the cost of acquiring control is so great that the disciplinary force of the market is ‘ likely to be limited to instances of gross managerial failure ’ .
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