Example sentences of "[noun] is so [adv] [adj] [that] " in BNC.

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1 But it is largely because Loch Ness is so biologically unproductive that it is also biologically stable : it is spared the seasonal booms and crashes in the populations of living things that are characteristic of more productive lakes .
2 Sometimes a seller is so financially powerful that he can blatantly insist on such a clause being included in the contract ; he can adopt a ‘ take it or leave it ’ attitude .
3 It is clear from the right hon. Gentleman 's first attempt to amend regulation 72 that the Government 's motive is to save money and administration — the motive is so absolutely blatant that I am amazed that even the Parliamentary Under-Secretary , whose eccentricities are well known , could not deny the obvious — while , at the same time , blocking or restricting back payments of entitlement , even where there has been official error .
4 However , it seems plausible that this source of energy has been of little importance in the past because Jupiter is so very massive that it probably formed very hot , though Jupiter may now be sufficiently cool for helium separation to have recently become significant , or for it to become significant in the relatively near future .
5 Yet the world champion is so unpredictably gifted that one on-song display could easily enable her to sweep aside the opposition .
6 I have become convinced that our whole approach is hopelessly unscientific , in fact wrong , and particularly that my own reconstruction is so fundamentally flawed that we really do n't have the right to be displaying it anywhere except in a Disneyland type of amusement park . ’
7 Not at all ; good writing is so infernally difficult that even the most modest achievement ( and Pound 's claims for some of these poets are modest indeed ) should not go unacknowledged .
8 The basic premise of this approach is so startlingly simple that it is rather difficult to explain how damaging it actually is .
9 My poor friend Mr. Carter is so very ill that I doubt he ca n't recover .
10 The Crown argued that , in the same way a deliberate cross-check to the back of the neck might exceed the implied consent to risk of injury in a hockey game , the known presence of HIV is so inherently dangerous that sex with someone who is HIV positive extends beyond the norm of conduct to which one can validly consent .
11 But in fact the whole fluffy , vapid confection is so resolutely unmemorable that it gives as much offence as a toothless poodle .
12 He argued that Dorset should continue to record unmet need as it had been doing in a pilot project , although the decision is so politically sensitive that it has to be given clearance by the politicians at their June committee meeting .
13 The common view has been that the Conservative party 's structure is so rigidly hierarchical that there is little scope for initiatives from the party members .
14 The simple form of this argument is that new technology is so enormously labour-saving that we will never again need full employment to provide for all our needs .
15 Henry is , or whether Mrs G. has presented you with a little Tasmanian , or likely to do so , a point upon which her mother is so exceedingly anxious that on finding it was not mentioned she sat down and cried with vexation . ’
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