Example sentences of "[noun] is that he [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The irony is that he referred to the mutual relevance of science and religion in at least three different respects , each of which magnified , rather than resolved , his difficulties .
2 All the cops know about Mahoney is that he worked for Joey Bonanza .
3 What gets me about this guy Alderson is that he served in the country area of Cornwall , and he makes all these proposals about inner-city policing ; now how the hell would he know anything about the inner city ?
4 But what remains important about Barthes 's substantive work is that he points to cultural phenomena in the everyday realm that are ( or were ) regarded as insignificant — they are , he reveals , laden with meaning and social and political significance .
5 The only sign of his accident is that he walks with a slight limp .
6 The good news is that he charges in 15-minute slots of £5.86 , so you do n't have to pay for a whole hour if he 's only worked five minutes of it .
7 The reason is that he began to seen the economic concepts on which the society of his time was based , such concepts as value , price , property , and above all , labour , as the nineteenth-century equivalent of religion .
8 The other thing is that he asked for his family .
9 The thing about Tim is that he came to us with a experience of a polishing shop so he was very well placed to help us improve our spiriting-out technique that is so necessary on a fine shellac finish .
10 He may indeed be relatively unweaned and improvident like his hunter-gatherer forefathers , but the reality is that he lives in a highly regulated agricultural economy in which the largely uninhibited oral and anal-sadistic drives of the hunter-gatherer are subject to strict state-control .
11 He gave a course of lectures in Rotherham in 1803 , but thereafter the next certainty is that he died in Tamworth and was buried there 23 August 1810 .
12 The inference in his letter is that he speaks for the Council of the National Union of which he is chairman .
13 The theological answer is that He feels at home anywhere because He is at home everywhere .
14 The reason we know that God recognises this dimension in the human personality is that he goes to such great lengths to make it very clear that he loves us , and one of his primary commands to us is that we must love one another .
15 One wonderful story is that he decided against a career in mathematics when his teacher gave him a poor mark in an exam for answering a problem correctly but not using the method taught in class .
16 The fact is that he went to a race meeting at Silverstone in 1965 and decided right then and there that what he wanted most was to be a racing driver .
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