Example sentences of "[noun] is [vb pp] to its [adj] " in BNC.

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1 If a ‘ back fence ’ is used , the stock is confined to its daily strip and the remainder of the grass is completely rested for a long period .
2 At low drug concentrations most of the ligand is bound to its preferred sites and the dissociation profile is dominated by the slow component .
3 Rather than talking about a ‘ good ’ temperament it is better to talk about a ‘ suitable ’ temperament , ie. the horse is suited to its intended purpose and the personality and experience of his rider .
4 In Christ humanity is restored to its proper glory .
5 On the emergence of the adult the wing is inflated to its full size by blood-pressure and the cuticle hardens .
6 It will , I hope , become increasingly clear as this book progresses that it is essential to understand science as an historically evolving body of knowledge and that a theory can only be adequately appraised if due attention is paid to its historical context .
7 A tree can be constructed where this process is taken to its optimal conclusion , so that all possible common letter sequences are shared .
8 Often this will not be successful if the population is attached to its traditional methods and the new methods are radically different from the old ; a careful marketing campaign to change attitudes can have a dramatic effect , particularly by presenting new products in a way that is not dramatically different from the old .
9 Each winding has a separate series forcing resistance of 9 ohms and , with a 30 V drive power supply , the winding current is limited to its rated value of 3 A. Find the winding current time variation at switch-on if the opposite phase winding carries a current of ( a ) zero and ( b ) rated , but winding excitation removed .
10 Perhaps another sign could be how much education is given to its young people to be a real part of this society .
11 Its ease of use is related to its low cost .
12 He points out that an animal 's life span is linked to its metabolic rate .
13 The novel is brought to its dramatic conclusion by the playing out of yet another case of split identity .
14 This warning message will be output until the DC DETAILS transfer mode is changed to BULK or INCREMENTAL , or until the list of users at the DC ACCESS keyword is returned to its previous state .
15 This warning message will be output until the DC DETAILS transfer mode is changed to BULK or INCREMENTAL , or until the list of users at the DC ACCESS keyword is returned to its previous state .
16 This warning message will be output until the MODULE DETAILS transfer mode is changed to BULK or INCREMENTAL , or until the list of users at the MODULE ACCESS keyword is returned to its previous state .
17 This warning message will be output until the MODULE DETAILS transfer mode is changed to BULK or INCREMENTAL , or until the list of users at the MODULE ACCESS keyword is returned to its previous state .
18 This warning message will be output until the USER DETAILS transfer mode is changed to BULK or INCREMENTAL , or until the list of users at the USER ACCESS keyword is returned to its previous state .
19 This warning message will be output until the USER DETAILS transfer mode is changed to BULK or INCREMENTAL , or until the list of users at the USER ACCESS keyword is returned to its previous state .
20 The plan of the book is related to its overall purpose of demystifying research , making it more accessible and more a part of everyday work and decision making .
21 Hume gave one of philosophy 's most famous answers , an answer whose strength is owed to its great clarity and simplicity , when he said yes .
22 Carroll in Forest Gate argued that ‘ class legislation ’ was impossible , ‘ especially at a time like the present when the nation is stirred to its very vitals by unemployment and general stagnation of trade ’ ( Election leaflet 1921 ) .
23 It is in the anaerobic environment alone that the drug is reduced to its active metabolite , which is thought to bind to microbial DNA and inhibit nucleic acid synthesis .
24 After removing ten to fifteen worms from the upturned roots the piece of lawn is returned to its original position , patted down firmly and is none the worse within a week or two .
25 Once a rug has been completed and taken off the loom , the pile is clipped to its required length .
26 The pull-out torque is maximised at a supply angular frequency when the switching angle is set to its optimum value : ( Acarnley and Gibbons , 1982 ; Tal , 1982 ) .
27 In some geographical systems this is not the case , and the next state of the system is related to its present state .
28 The risk of bankruptcy for an individual company is related to its net worth and to the riskiness of the external economic environment .
29 The cursor is returned to its previous position after the message has been printed .
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