Example sentences of "[noun] it could [be] [vb pp] [that] " in BNC.

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1 Until the advent of man in physical geography it could be argued that physical geographers had escaped from the effects of human activity by concentrating their endeavours upon rural and unmodified spatial areas and upon time scales prior to the time when human activity began to exercise a significant influence .
2 As a result it could be argued that , in a context of relatively low unionization , the imposition of minimum service levels provides the unions with a guaranteed degree of success with strike action .
3 From the roof it could be seen that the sepoys had remained in their positions and were building themselves shelters .
4 Given the distribution of older people throughout the different medical specialisms it could be argued that all doctors ( and nurses ) should receive some training in the main aspects of geriatric medicine , with its emphasis upon rehabilitation and the role of multi-disciplinary care and assessment .
5 But in the long term it could be predicted that Vietnam also would lose interest in a South Asian neutralisation since it was an ascending regional power .
6 From these data it could be concluded that in the absence of any rank related thermal behaviour , hysteresis effects are not operative .
7 In some respects it could be argued that diminishing populations need not necessarily be unwelcome in the cities : renewal can take place at lower densities and much needed environmental improvements can take place .
8 Practical help and emotional support of the bereaved are of course interwoven , but from the purely emotional standpoint it could be said that their greatest needs are for loving concern , good listening and patient understanding of their need to work through their grief in their own way at their own pace .
9 If you are the number one in the market and have the strongest brands it could be argued that you do not necessarily need to have the strongest people !
10 As a result of this work it could be declared that ‘ All the drugs now used against malaria were found by using experimental laboratory infections : the design of the tests employed to find them , or to uncover their particular attributes and imperfections , was based on knowledge of the life cycle ’ .
11 On this basis it could be argued that companies should indeed be regarded as purely private organisations , and that state intervention in their internal affairs constitutes an improper interference with the moral rights of the participants .
12 The case itself was decided on the basis that the ownership of a business was not transferred to the transferee employer , but even under the organisational test of the Directive it could be said that the business did not preserve its identity : the same machines were being used , but in a different business .
13 In this respect it could be said that there was considerable unevenness within the economy as a whole .
14 Reich 's use of ethnographic evidence is suspect , but in general terms it could be admitted that there could in Freudian theory be differences of the type which Reich pointed out , even if his evidence may not have been carefully formulated .
15 Given that it is based on a model which examined variation among electoral wards within only a few regions it could be argued that it is more validly applied at a local level .
16 Although before the Courts Act 1971 in theory it could be claimed that government was ultimately responsible for the running of the courts , in practice responsibility was so diffused between local authorities , the High Sheriffs and Under Sheriffs of counties , and the judiciary , that there was no real way in which Parliament could call anyone to account .
17 On the most trivial of levels it could be claimed that Version 3.0 had caught up with Ventura because it supported stylesheets and graphics wraparound .
18 If the owner does not resist the taking of his property , or actually hands it over , because of , for example , threats of violence , in one sense it could be said that there is ‘ consent : ’ yet the offence of robbery , as defined in section 8(1) of the Theft Act 1968 , involves , as one of its elements , theft .
19 For the same reason , civil servants above a certain level can not take an overt or active part in politics in case it could be said that their opinions influenced the minister .
20 One conclusion might be that it is possible to define different grades of appropriateness , in which case it could be argued that the word-of-mouth teaching of the lobon-gur solution was a more appropriate form of oral therapy technology than the distribution of an insufficient number of Oral Rehydration Salt packets via restricted outlets .
21 He thought that if people such as the Iroquois of North America practised a particular type of agriculture it could be assumed that their institutions were the same as those of long dead prehistoric peoples who had a similar level of technology .
22 Within an evolutionary framework it could be argued that the work working class women did outside the home was an anachronistic survival and that society was in fact progressing towards a position whereby all women would be able to stay at home .
23 Of course it could be argued that the unhindered American action against Libya indicated the ineffectiveness of this role and reinforced the benefits perceived by the USSR and the Non-Aligned in an agreement on superpower naval and military withdrawal from the Mediterranean .
24 Of course it could be objected that the responses highlight this facet of the housewife role because much of the rest of the interview was taken up with questions about housework .
25 Through pressure and interest groups it could be claimed that the old democratic principle of participation was reinstated , but in a suitably modern form which accepted that it was not individuals but groups for whom this possibility existed .
26 The kind of determinism dominant in the book is exemplified in his discussion of tense : On the other hand it could be said that the English tense system offers speakers the choice of whether to see time in this way .
27 I I 'm very grateful to the minister for his patience but er on the other hand it could be argued that it 's no use having a duty to report fraud unless you also have a duty to detect fraud .
28 In fact it could be said that our position in the rankings is declining in direct proportion to the increase in the money spent .
29 In fact it could be said that there is no such thing as a naive or experienced searcher per se .
30 From one point of view it could be argued that he should be rescued from Tarvaras before he had an opportunity to come into contact with any of the inhabitants .
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