Example sentences of "[noun] it be the [noun] [Wh pn] " in BNC.

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1 When it was announced by the State Department on 17 October that military equipment , including light bombers , was being supplied for the armed forces both of France and of the Associated States , it was a distinction without a difference because in practice it was the French who were in control : even if Bao Dai was insistent that the French officers who were to train the soldiers of the Vietnamese national army should be responsible directly to him rather than to the French High Command .
2 Certainly in the United States it was the women who represented ‘ civilised ways ’ — book learning , hygiene , ‘ nice ’ houses and furnishings on the city model and sobriety — against the rough , violent and drunken ways of the menfolk ; as Huckleberry Finn ( 1884 ) found to his cost .
3 If in Cosi it is the women who are put upon , then in L'Italiana in Algeri it is the eponymous heroine who wears the trousers — or so , at least , it ought to be .
4 In the younger group it is the Whites who have a much higher arrest rate than Blacks — 13.3 per cent .
5 In the organization of enrolment it is the headteacher who principally has to make decisions along which governors are guided .
6 It was all very laudable wanting to bring culture to the masses , but if the masses chose to turn their backs on the enterprise it was the shareholders who stood to lose .
7 At the christening it is the parents who have felt the need for religious involvement in the naming ceremony ; at the burial it is mainly the bereaved who are concerned and at the wedding it is the parties themselves who seek the ministrations of a church .
8 In the case of children 's behaviour it is the parents who have to face the problems and so ultimately it is the parents who have to solve them .
9 When the bundle of clothes hit the ground it was the dog who realised first that there was something inside , also broken and crumpled , and after the dog came the children , who revolved round the heap , fascinated , until one noticed the blood and began to scream , and adults arrived to remove them from whatever it was that lay on the concrete .
10 I like Achille Tournier 's statement : ‘ When the fine eyes of a woman are veiled with tears it is the man who no longer sees clearly . ’
11 In this Government it is the Ministers who decide on policy , not the consultants .
12 Whereas in Williams 's view country house poems tend to obscure labour , in this poem it is the owners who are almost unseen .
13 In the event Labour received marginally more votes than the Tories , in an election in which the two parties took a larger share of the total votes than ever before , but because of the geography of electoral support in relation to constituency boundaries it was the Tories who gained the majority of seats in Parliament and formed the next government .
14 The police , most of whom I knew , because of the great help they had given us when we had been burgled a couple of years earlier , said no , they did n't have the key , and in any case it was the council who must be approached .
15 In that case it was the administrator who was removed .
16 But after a topsy-turvy match at Midgley Park it was the Swifts who booked their place in the second round , running out winners .
17 While it is undoubtedly true that there are advantageous settlements negotiated at the door of the Court , the actual cost to the defender in settling at that stage is significant insofar as in the majority of cases it is the defender who will have to meet the whole cost of preparation for the Proof by both parties , including attendance of witnesses , Counsel 's fees and so forth .
18 Nevertheless , in the majority of cases it was the women who managed the money by taking responsibility for day-to-day budgeting arrangements , paying the bills and organising the family finances .
19 In this division or career framework it is the Rowdies who are the typical football hooligans .
20 But of course it is the individual who attracts the photographer in the first place ( and in this instance we know the reverse to be true ) , and Yass is obviously keen to sharpen our awareness of the personal face-to-face aspect of these relationships .
21 ‘ When we got married for instance , I had to give up teaching because there was a regulation which said husbands and wives could n't both teach and of course it was the wives who left . ’
22 For Lukács it was the proletariat who were to achieve this praxis .
23 The present sixty , sixty five regime is discriminating against men , but when in reality it is the women who are in the much inferior position .
24 Naturally , there are asymmetries : in the waking reality it is the mother who must be silent , not the baby .
25 A beekeeper himself with 10 hives in the manse garden it was the Dean who dreamed up the idea of a honey service four years ago .
26 It is they who govern , but in the last analysis it is the people who rule themselves .
27 In the end it was the woman who gave ground and the boy who stayed .
28 Civil servants might , though in the end it was the politicians who decided , which was why he had declined the highest office with both Nato and the International Monetary Fund .
29 ‘ Yes , as usual no doubt it 's the woman who 's left to take care of things .
30 Here at ZZAP ! we 're very good at spotting ripped-off software , but should one slip through the net it 's the sender who 'd be in trouble — this could mean a hefty fine and possible imprisonment if you 're lucky , or being made to eat your own entrails if I catch you before the software company !
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