Example sentences of "[noun] it [modal v] [adv] [adv] be " in BNC.

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1 Crompton and Jones suggest that in the future it will not necessarily be the case that male clerks will be able to enjoy so much upward mobility .
2 If the explosive used was Semtex it would almost certainly be the biggest IRA bomb ever planted on the British mainland .
3 It might seem a little unreasonable at first sight but believe me this is a possible approach , and under the circumstances it may very well be the best approach .
4 Device drivers are made to enable DOS to do things it would not normally be able to do — like treat another machines drives and printers as though they were its own .
5 The final point which needs to be made about ethnicity is that as a speaker variable it can not usually be isolated from social class .
6 ( iv ) If the right to sue in libel should be extended to a local government authority it could not logically be withheld from any government authority having separate legal personality .
7 In so far as the letters make statements about what is happening in the territory of some foreign state , such letters may not be the best evidence ; but as regards the question whether Her Majesty 's Government has dealings with the foreign government it will almost certainly be the best and only conclusive evidence of that fact .
8 DGX is aiming at increasing its current budget of ECU95 million by about 30% , but after negotiations with member states it may well only be in the region of 15% .
9 In that case it should no longer be defined as a ‘ dog ’ .
10 The Plan will be laid down upon the scale of 40 or 50 yards to an inch , — at present it can not well be determined which will be the most eligible .
11 After the series of treaties in 1854 – 58 which helped to launch her on a rapid and irreversible process of change it could even still be questioned whether full-scale diplomatic representation there was worth what it cost .
12 In addition it will almost certainly be necessary to give each document a unique reference number for ease of future identification and retrieval .
13 At the local level it may not always be easy to equate a framework of locally agreed targets with the specific levels of achievement nationally .
14 He said by the time of the next election it would no longer be possible to cancel Trident .
15 It is a romantic vision : Milan can never be Venice , but at such times it can also never be anything but Italian .
16 In the latter case addressing will probably only point to a bucket number , and in searching the bucket for a particular record using the direct technique it will no longer be an error to detect a dummy record , but part of the search .
17 give tutorial credence it ca n't just be assumed you can take them out of tutorial and it has stopped tremendously .
18 As with SPRs it may not always be possible to enter a complete description of the report into LIFESPAN although it is advisable .
19 When you order a grilled Dover sole in an English restaurant it will very likely be a fine sole , fresh and well cooked .
20 To carry out participant observation into the minutiae of police practice might be theoretically approved in any statement made for general consumption , but in the cold light of institutional reality it will most likely be thwarted or subverted even as it is being agreed .
21 They said because Mr Fallon had achieved so much in bringing industry to Darlington it could no longer be treated as a depressed economic area .
22 To really enjoy your garden it should n't just be a home for plants .
23 As well as showing the average or individual costs of community care under the Home Support Project it would clearly also be useful to show whether the project was or was not cost-effective overall ; that is , whether the costs of running the service were greater or lower than the total public expenditure saved through sustaining at home people who without the project would have been in institutions .
24 During the intervening period between the date of such an order and the date fixed for delivery of possession it may very well be , and indeed obviously must be , that the statutory tenant has certain rights and certain obligations .
25 Though adolescence is generally a time of intense sociability. it can also often be a time of intense loneliness .
26 Hal B. Wallis , who hired me , was a very shrewd man who recognized that the studio system was over and in five years ' time it would no longer be there . ’
27 Thus , if in our example we had the non-linear restriction it would not really be valid to use the F distribution .
28 There is no doubt , of course , that when a given symbol ( irrespective of its " descriptive content " ) is accorded the status of a name , it acquires the privileged position of a representative of the biographical identity of the object it names , and by virtue of this very fact it can no longer be equated with any description , or series of descriptions .
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