Example sentences of "[noun] to be [vb pp] [prep] some " in BNC.

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1 He and others fear that ‘ safety net ’ losses to be suffered by some areas will cost them key metropolitan councils in next May 's elections .
2 Mr Ferris submitted that the obligation to give personal treatment was very substantially cut down in cases falling within sub-paragraph ( 2 ) and that a doctor was entitled to make arrangements for the entirety of his practice to be conducted by some other doctor .
3 There was even , as we have seen , the chance of some vicarious pleasure to be gained from some of the new manifestations .
4 The basic species of Provence and Moss roses , Rosa centifolia , forms a wide , loose , open bloom ( an influence to be seen in some modern hybrids ) , which has given them a rather derogatory name ‘ cabbage rose ’ .
5 The geophysical data confirmed the presence of these channels , and enabled the subsurface chalk topography to be interpreted with some confidence .
6 These are just some of the goods which police believe were bought by Oxford City Council to be sold by some of its employees for private profit .
7 Socata 's parent company Aerospatiale is responsible for the cockpit architecture of the Airbus line , and there have clearly been transfers of technology between Toulouse and Tarbes , the result being that the TBM 700 needs to be flown like some kind of ! 320 .
8 It goes without saying that once the primary structure has failed there must be provision for the failure to be detected by some means before the redundant structure itself is weakened by continuous flight loads .
9 New material , both archival and interpretative , requires these judgements to be modified to some degree .
10 After his talks with Li , Maude said that he had been " encouraged " by the Chinese administration 's muted attitude to issues of contention between the UK and China , including the British Nationality ( Hong Kong ) Bill which provided for full British citizenship to be given to some 225,000 Hong Kong citizens .
11 The compulsion to be exercised in the attempt to satisfy the claim of right is not purely or mainly internal to particular societies : it is compulsion to be exercised by some societies against other societies , coercion to be brought to bear upon an international scale .
12 Identification of the population to be surveyed In some cases , this will be easy .
13 You killed him , during the journey , paid off the cab in Cheapside and left the body to be discovered by some old biddy in Liverpool Street station . ’
14 A The fungus that affects fish is present in all ponds , but often it requires the skin of the fish to be damaged in some way to allow the fungus to grow on the body of the fish .
15 I think that there is much to be said for statutes to be preceded by some statement of what Parliament is seeking to achieve in rather longer form than is normally provided by the long title , in the form of perhaps a return to the days of the preamble containing recitals — a form adopted in European Community legislation .
16 I am emphasising the existential quality of dramatic playing here because it is in direct contrast to the expectations of acting behaviour to be found in some educational institutions .
17 Against the background that people expected support for an elderly person to be reciprocated in some fairly immediate way , the pressure to exclude older people from the labour market was accompanied by a pressure to give them some independent means of support which would prevent their having to rely on their children or other relatives .
18 He was already aware of the possibility of situations in which approval would not be the automatic outcome of such visits , and indeed the CNAA had already , as a result of institutional visits , imposed stern conditions to be met in some instances if approval was to be continued .
19 In addition Mrs scheme at page forty three provides for a further twenty eight hours a week to be provided in some other way , that it is suggested is parental care , but it seems to me that it would either be parental care or hired care .
20 Giving her reasons for that the mother said that she wished access to be resumed at some point in the future , that D remembered her as the natural mother , and there was a bond between them which would be cut off or damaged by adoption .
21 Bone fragments were recorded to the nearest 25 per cent of the original unbroken element or part thereof , and this enabled distinctions to be drawn between some of the seven predator species compared .
22 When we would expect a feeling to be expressed to some extent by both partners but instead one person is quite overcome with emotion while the other is apparently untouched , we may assume that one carries and expresses the feeling for both .
23 In addition , the Scheme allows for payment to be made in some cases where the assessment of probability of causation would be insufficient for liability to be established in the courts .
24 They might try to look like aeroplanes but at least there were still smart waiters serving drinks to tycoons as they shuffled papers where the noughts ran off the edge of the page building a case to be argued to some Washington agency the next day .
25 This method enables a fresh look to be taken at some of the explanations commonly put forward for the decline of manufacturing in the large conurbations , such as skills shortages , problems with labour relations and premises , and difficulties faced by small firms .
26 He thought of a Socialist future for his half country , and conceived the hope of a job in which he might have the luck to be gripped by some stupendous ire of work , trying to avoid the spectacle of the people around him and in the wet street outside , which pointed out a fraternal indifference in the world that was the last perception he cared to harbor .
27 Were it possible for a further donation to be agreed at some point during 1993 , I should be most grateful .
28 Mr Walesa has now apparently decided to stress the more open-minded traditions of Polish patriotism — Poland was once a central European melting pot — and to distance himself from the foreigner-hating sort of nationalism to be found among some Polish politicians and churchmen .
29 At least one strong appeal inherent in Christ 's teaching lay in its promise of a life of happiness to be enjoyed at some future date .
30 As a result the standard of craftsmanship to be found in some and the level of enthusiasm in all of his regular students is extremely high and the range of instruments produced expanding at the time .
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