Example sentences of "[noun] to be [art] [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 The autonomy which the Serbian Church had enjoyed since the creation of the patriarchate in 1346 was replaced by centralised control from Constantinople by the compliant Greek Phanariot clergy , who were considered by the Turkish administration to be the proper representatives of their Christian subjects .
2 Traditional Marxist writings — and particularly contemporary Soviet and Stalinist accounts — have normally taken the early writings of Marx , plus Das Kapital and The Communist Manifesto to be the definitive statements of Marx 's theories of power in capitalist society .
3 Introducing them , the Social Secretary said that he considered Mr and Mrs Preshous to be the true founders of the railway society .
4 None can work well in isolation and for that reason it is reassuring that the CBI , in pressing its case for the TECs to be the local regulators of vocational training , stresses the importance of the young person 's ( and the adult worker 's ) " personal file " , building on the existing good practice of records of achievement in schools .
5 Whether you consider industrialists to be the unprincipled rapists of Mother Earth , or see environmentalists as idealistic nutcases , there is little question that opinion and judgement , even prejudice , are at the heart of the environmental issue , at least as it confronts managers .
6 EVEN Arsenal , who carried the distinction back to London , would not claim that they played well enough in Glasgow last night to be the undisputed champions of anywhere , no matter the vainglorious subtitle given to this friendly .
7 EVEN Arsenal , who carried the distinction back to London , would not claim that they played well enough in Glasgow last night to be the undisputed champions of anywhere , no matter the vainglorious subtitle given to this friendly .
8 Northern Rock Housing Trust managing director , Colin Blakey , said : ‘ The low-cost housing we are providing is enabling many people to be the proud owners of their first home . ’
9 For instance , it is possible to contend that the nouveau roman may be more accurately described as modernist or late modernist when compared with the apparently more subversive avant-garde experimentalism of the Tel Quel group , whose claim to be the natural successors of the revolution inaugurated by Finnegans Wake would be difficult to refute .
10 Yes there are far too many overlapping institutions that self regulation has n't worked , it ha has no adequate on the annualt we welcomed 21 effective against fraud by replacing it by an independent statutory statutory based regulator which has the power to strike and strike hard rather than everything er by the the the plethora of regulations we now deal with in the financial er in the financial sector and in the respect of what 's proposed today , you ca n't rely er on auditors to be the effective police force that they 've been required to be by these er regulations .
11 Now John Hunter noted there was an association between the quantity of the vessels and the tumour and recently this has been er shown with micro-vessel quantification to be an important problems to indicator
12 Before summarising what appear to the writer to be the major points of difference between the two value positions , it might be advisable first to outline their apparent areas of agreement .
13 But then , like the lama , he discovers his disabilities and the constraints of life to be the very conditions for experiencing the validity of transfiguration — the two are concomitant .
14 He considered the focus of the controversy to be the juridical effects of a stipulation made in favour of a third party , which he deconstructed into three questions : can a third party claim directly any such benefit or can it only be claimed through the auspices of a State party ; may the parties to the agreement amend or abolish the stipulation without the consent of the third party ; and need the third party accept the stipulation in order to be vested with the benefit in question ? 120
15 Er opposed to God and of which may well be thought of as incarnating itself in those men in every generation , who have sin to be the blatant opponents of God .
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