Example sentences of "[noun] to the [noun] over the " in BNC.

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1 Admiralty Pacific would like to send 25 million tonnes of garbage to the islands over the next five years .
2 First August — a very welcome trip with the driver of the jeep to the bridges over the Orne .
3 Mr Shamir said he would stick to his promise not to make concessions to the Palestinians over the occupied territories .
4 It allocated securities repurchase funds to commercial banks at a minimum 8.25 per cent , unchanged from the rate at which it had fed funds to the market over the last two weeks .
5 From map coordinate 687602 follow the reservoir road north-east to the bridge over the ditch .
6 Pin the tape to the curtain over the heading allowance , fractionally down from the top of the curtain ( fig. 29 ) .
7 Tell me , in the lease as originally drawn up would you be able to let my client know whether there was specific reference to the controversy over the dustbins or did this develop after the Maltese took over ? ’
8 It will argue to delegates in Kyoto that , while a Bryde 's whale is worth about ¥33.4m ( $100,000 ) in a fish market , the 16 resident Bryde 's whales at Ogata are expected to bring in ¥675m to the boatmen over the next 15 years and nearly eight times as much in hotel accommodation and assorted knick-knacks .
9 The trapeze hangs lightly from a toggle , the toggle hangs from the end of a proper fishing line , the line passes over a springy pole to the door over the mouth of the basket where the little fish 's wriggling so free .
10 The name Fleet was an Anglo-Saxon word meaning ‘ tidal inlet ’ and the principle sources of the water flowing into the River Fleet , were the heights of Hampstead Heath , also the grounds of Kenwood House at Highgate , all joining just north of Camden Town , and flowing south to join the River Thames , close to the Blackfriars monastery which gave its name to the bridge over the Thames at that point .
11 He also made it clear that motorsport 's ruling authority would be introducing a range of far-reaching changes to the sport over the next two years .
12 LORD TEBBIT vowed yesterday that the ‘ wretched ’ Maastricht treaty could still be defeated in the Commons , despite the setback to the Euro-rebels over the social chapter .
13 A surrender to the farmers over the egg controversy , hesitancy in confronting the brewers , and some retreat in the face of the judges ' opposition to legal reform indicated that there were lobbies and vested interests which even the all-conquering Prime Minister could not challenge with impunity .
14 In any event , relate the prevailing weather conditions to the conditions over the previous few days , and make your decision of if , or where , to fish on that basis .
15 To pass beyond it is to cross the threshold into another dimension which , for all its pragmatic gifts to the West over the centuries , remains as mysteriously little-known to us now as it was for the first explorers .
16 Aaron lent modest sums to the Crown over the next ten years , but took no part in the London-based consortia of Jewish lenders which lent so heavily and disastrously to the Crown in 1177 .
17 Ted stood there waiting with the shirt over his arm , waiting to hear the inevitable sequence completed before he went on ; slam the van door , up the outside stairs to the flat over the workshop , another door to slam , and then LOUD MUSIC .
18 Far from Mr Atkins being considered the distant , unsympathetic figure depicted in the article , he has been a frequent visitor to the school over the past two years , giving support and advice to help us achieve our aims .
19 The spokesman said that China was making representations to the UK over the meeting .
20 The total owed by member states to the organization over the last three years stood at £6,000,000 ( US$11,000,000 ) , compared with the total appropriation for 1990-91 of £25,400,000 .
21 In July 1990 , in response to the uncertainty over the future of US bases in the Philippines , Brunei joined Singapore in offering the USA the option of operating its forces from Brunei .
22 Meanwhile disagreement among the 72 deputies to the Assembly over the draft Constitution delayed its formal adoption until Feb. 9 .
23 The required accommodation was a residence for a family of five and the new owner requested that the living accommodation should be on the first floor to take advantage of the splendid views to the west over the Cherwell Valley .
24 The British government adopted the report as official policy , and pursued a diplomatic approach to the problem over the next two years .
25 Having tried several adjustments to the system over the past 6 years , I hope this provides a format which will serve us for a good while into the future .
26 ( The Regional Council already propose the upgrading of the towpath EAST of Wester Hailes , and of the short section from Calders Cres. to the aqueduct over the new city bypass , so eventually we shall have an almost continuous route to/from the city centre ) .
27 I repeat it here , as in sections 3.3 to 3.5 we will be looking at three different theories , each of which takes a different starting-point to the debate over the service economy , which in turn influences their conceptual framework and what counts as valid kinds of evidence .
28 The Magistrate 's eye moved from one doctor to the other over the passive rows of tattered skeletons and he forgot for a moment that he was as thin and ragged as they were .
29 There can be no doubt that Linda Nochlin has played an important role in making feminist interests and priorities visible ; this collection shows some of the ways in which she has brought these issues to the surface over the last twenty years .
30 Too often Kendall seems preoccupied with finding a place in the team for Alan Harper , and although he has been a great servant to the club over the years , Everton will only be a really good side when he is playing in the reserves , and I do not mean that as an insult to Alan .
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