Example sentences of "[noun] to [be] [adj] [coord] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 But parents throughout Northern Ireland have been campaigning for the new test to be revamped or at least postponed until pupils have had time to get to grips with the new format .
2 Three committee members drove from Geneva to be present and in all some 17 Members and Friends of the Swiss Branch gathered at Sussexdown in the late morning of 1 August .
3 ‘ I also had four days to be nervous and by the time the big day arrived I was all nervoused out .
4 The Ego wants a loving relationship with the sole aim of feeling ‘ special ’ to someone — not from a desire to be loving and to be truly intimate .
5 To advise on the possible staging of the introduction of assessment , including testing to reflect the need for the process to be manageable and for teachers to be adequately trained .
6 Marx described the consciousness of people in a situation of class conflict as ideological , meaning that although they might represent and believe their ideas to be objective and of universal validity , in reality these ideas express and serve class interests .
7 Whatever position I adopted seemed to be the wrong one , and it was possible for certain parts of my body to be relaxed and at rest only at the expense of certain other parts .
8 It is possible for the conclusion of an inductive argument to be false and for the premises to be true and yet for no contradiction to be involved .
9 More exceptionally still , Parliament may endeavour to prevent judicial review and may wish the decisions of the tribunal to be final and beyond the supervisory jurisdiction of the ordinary courts .
10 There was murder within marriage because a husband or a wife wanted life to be different and for one reason or another could find no other way to bring that about .
11 Analyses of science teaching ( see reference 6 ) have shown tendencies for the preferred style to be subject-dependent but with a great range within each subject .
12 KUNDULUM To be well and in bed with two pretty sisters
13 made me laugh cos we 'd gone up to house tonight , he said he was making a real effort to be good and to and he , when he got up to house today he goes I was doing a really gentlemanly thing and saying oh thank you for a really nice evening , I started laughing well what was I supposed to ?
14 While the memorandum should highlight the positive points and potential of the company it is important for the information to be accurate and for opinions expressed to be reasonable .
15 This , however , scarcely deserves such a grandiloquent title , for it is not all-comprehensive , it is too incomplete and makes no claims to being self-contained and to the construction of systems .
16 It declared that " No privilege attaches yet to a statement on a matter of public interest believed by the publisher to be true and in relation to which he has exercised reasonable care . "
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