Example sentences of "[noun] to [pron] [pers pn] [vb past] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 /In the dress rehearsal when he held out the ring to her she took his pulse .
2 His pupils neatly all felt ( particularly the first pupil of the morning , at ten a.m. , who watched him lay down his steel-nibbed pen with an air of resignation ) that tutorials were an interruption to what he considered his real work .
3 Yet savers will still profit from the bull market as beneficiaries of the pension funds to which they sold their shares .
4 In the rural areas , people could scrape by , thanks to what they grew themselves , but , in the towns , the queues for food and fuel were endless and often unrewarded .
5 Thanks to what you told me about Lisa I now realise , perhaps for the first time , just how much influence people in the music world can have , albeit quite unknowingly , over impressionable youngsters .
6 In 1927 Eliot was in correspondence with William Force Stead , the Anglican priest to whom he expressed his deeply anxious spiritual commitment and who had baptized him .
7 The last few months of her journal witness a severe crisis in her life when , having produced a scientific paper on lichen ( nowadays considered ahead of its time ) , her researches were dismissed in a high-handed and sexist way by the Director of Kew Gardens to whom she presented her work .
8 It was an alarming and not very attractive event in which the Bisus were treated more like circus whores than like priests , yet retained a touchingly self-possessed dignity , despite the ragging they received from their " flock " and the abuse to which they subjected themselves with their own blades .
9 Since I am a mild and humane man , I did not tell him that it was utterly hopeless , but as a matter of deference to him I presented his formula to George Elvin , who declined to have anything to do with it .
10 There was always a hard-nosed reporter 's job to which I hoped I could return .
11 Unfortunately we do not have a detailed , turn-by-turn transcription of her interactions , but it is reasonable to assume that her linguistic accommodation was preceded by an assessment of how her interlocutor might be expected to talk ; in other words , that Sue 's assumption of a persona would be mediated through a stereotype of the linguistic behaviour of the group to which she felt her customer belonged .
12 Secondly , though the net price obtained by the owner of land should have been the same irrespective of whether the body to whom he sold it was private or public , some owners might have been unwilling to sell to the commission .
13 And how the show was now funded , how tightly Paul Lexington was running his budget , what his break-even percentage of audience was , indeed how much of the audience was made up of paying theatre-goers and how much of free seats ; all these were questions to which he knew he was unlikely to get answers .
14 Thus if I break a promise for my own convenience , I fail to treat the person to whom I made it as an end in himself , for I can hardly expect him to endorse a principle of action which allows him to be treated thus .
15 This room is as cold as a cabin in the frozen woods , but it is not so cold as the heart of the person to whom I gave my love , my hope , my talent .
16 But it was to a totally different kind of person to whom he confessed his total loneliness .
17 His order has been obeyed if the person to whom he gave it did something correctly described by the words of the order .
18 If you write the words ‘ Account Payee Only ’ between the crossings on the cheque , you can be certain that the cheque can only be banked by the person to whom you made it out .
19 Luke 's mouth pleasured while it dominated , and his hands roaming insolently about her body were creating havoc , the skilled , confident caresses to which he subjected her a bold proclamation of ownership .
20 He must have been physically fit to survive the punishing schedule to which he submitted himself .
21 By adopting various graphological forms I hoped to fool the editors to whom I submitted my poems with a covering note , often under a false name .
22 ‘ At his gate he was welcomed by his wife to whom he recounted his triumphs and the number of heathen he had slain .
23 So read the notice in the particular facility to which he led her .
24 The committee , however , did not accept that Dr Steeper had adopted any ‘ theory of medicine or surgery ’ in the use to which he put his machine .
25 She poured out the tea , and as she pushed it across the counter to him he handed her the penny .
26 If the hon. Gentleman wishes to write to me about the details of the case to which he referred I shall be happy to respond .
27 By this period he was seriously addicted to the tranquillizer , nembutal , and there seem to have been a number of objects to which he attached his fears — lifts and large animals among them .
28 Some of the Champagne houses which make a point of declaring they never use vins de taille in their own products have purchased ready-made Champagnes from the very houses to which they sold their vins de taille in the first place .
29 I detached her gently from her twig and she writhed in anger , exposing her paler stomach and all her spiky little paws that clung leechlike to the branch to which I returned her .
30 But when the time came to compose a quarrel between people , it was the representatives of the groups to which they belonged who made the peace .
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