Example sentences of "[noun] to [pron] and [vb base] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 And he besought his mother that she would love her even as she loved him himself , and that she would do good to her and show her great honour , for which he should ever serve her with the better good will .
2 She put up a token resistance , but , knowing that she only existed on his sufferance , opened her mind to him and let him prowl .
3 Safer to close his eyes and his mind to her and give his entire concentration to the matter in hand ; a resolution to which he firmly held , even when , after a tumultuous welcome at Brighouse — the nearest railway station to Frizingley — he was escorted , with an appropriate accompaniment of banners and Chartist hymns , to a lodging-house at the top of St Jude 's street where the landlady , Mrs Sairellen Thackray , had offered to accommodate him free of charge .
4 I have also had to tell others they are unlikely to get in and then try to explain the politics of the department to them and watch their dismay when they realize that , perhaps regardless of merit , they do not fit in .
5 ‘ It 's too bad you ca n't put your ego in a box , tie a rock to it and throw it out into the lake , ’ she said sweetly .
6 The expert reports detail the visits to her and describe her home surroundings .
7 Keep your antlers to yourself and gim me my present .
8 You can get it by post at three pounds fifty by post , send a cheque or postal order made payable to the B B C for three pounds fifty , we 'll sent it b , I 'll send it by post to you and send it to Afternoon Special , , Derby , Leicester , Lincoln or Nottingham if you want the Good Old Days Quiz Book by post .
9 An explanation in fact followed , after which Scipio , " grasping Polybius ' right hand in both his own and pressing it warmly , said : " Would I could see the day on which you , regarding nothing else as of higher importance , would devote your attention to me and join your life with mine " " ( 31.24 ) .
10 Meanwhile , my first efforts must be to attract attention to myself and have myself removed from this common Bedlam in which I was shut .
11 Erm another thing is , going back to the point about erm er when you 're a child grown-ups often do rather unpleasant things to you and expect you to comply .
12 Then he added a fatal dose of your ethylene stuff to it and put it back on the carving rest … ’
13 Though these measures are not due to necessity , as the people here are glad to be of service to us and treat us with courtesy in which not a little deference is admixed , for as I say they count many simple things great wonders : my fine paste shoe buckles ( the only part remaining after some native rats that are very large and like to be tame devoured the rest of the appurtenances ) inspired much clicking of teeth and clucking of tongues till I thought I should have to part with them .
14 ‘ Would n't it be more sensible to sell your share to me and buy yourself a smaller place ? ’
15 So we will all raise our glasses to you and toast your future .
16 So we will all raise our glasses to you and toast your future .
17 If this letter is considered acceptable I will forward two copies to you and ask you to return one signed by your Chairman .
18 What amazes me is how often they 'll say to me ‘ Thank you very much for treating me like a human being ’ because however drunk they are in the churchyard I always believe that you 're much more likely to get somewhere with somebody if you are polite and kind to them and treat them like a real human being , and you can get into all sorts of fascinating conversations with these people even when they are fairly drunk , because actually they are real human beings , they are n't awful people .
19 I would open the door to them and check their names off in the appointment book , often unable to converse because of the language barrier .
20 ‘ Give Christine to me and follow me down . ’
21 ‘ We talk to him , play music to him and touch him . ’
22 She who could call a lame youth to her and support him with her invisible grace while he laid down his crutches on the steps of her altar , why doubt that she could turn the leaves of a Gospel , and guide a faithful finger to the words her will required ?
23 You lift your hand to me and touch me just once with it and I promise you you wo n't be able to walk for days , because I 'll smash every movable thing in this room over you .
24 However hard I work and struggle for the future there are ever snares to catch me and sometimes I see no end to it and think myself doomed to pass my days in toil and nothing else .
25 She saw Adam take two strides to it and grip it in his hands .
26 ‘ And , ’ Luke continued as if she had n't spoken , ‘ it would be only common courtesy to return their hospitality to us and take them out somewhere to dine . ’
27 ‘ In that case , perhaps you 'd better just pay off your debt to me and find yourself a job as a salesgirl in some shop .
28 We , the young people of this area , extend our greetings to you and thank you for listening to us on this Youth Sunday .
29 Right , the people who have not read an essay out yet , I want you to sit , just a minute Michael , next to somebody and I want you to read your essay to them and see what they think about it and how you could maybe improve it and I want Michael and John to go and show Steve your books as well now please , right boys do that now then , yes , could you take yours to show
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