Example sentences of "[noun] to [art] [noun] [adv] the " in BNC.

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1 On April 3 the US State Department spokeswoman , Margaret Tutwiler , said after talks between Kurdish leaders and a high-level US delegation that the administration would " urgently consider " humanitarian aid to the Kurds once the UN ceasefire resolution had been agreed .
2 If Company A receives payment for supplying defence equipment to the government then the payment results in an increase in Company A's bank account , without a decrease in any other M4 private sector bank account .
3 The Dalek ship is programmed to return to Kembel in spite of all their efforts to divert it , and it falls to Steven to hand over the fake core to the Daleks once the Doctor and Sara are aboard the TARDIS .
4 ‘ I can see I shall have to pay more attention to the river now the fish are running , ’ he said .
5 As an alternative means of adding security , the bill[s] of exchange may be sent with shipping documents — the buyer only obtains title to the goods once the bill[s] have been accepted for payment at a future date [ or , if the bill is payable ‘ at sight ’ , when payment has been made ] .
6 The teacher may also wish the software to offer the opportunity for extension work , to draw the subject being studied out further relate it to other subject areas , raise issues and add a new dime to the work e.g. the software on the economy allows pupils to skills of manipulating variables and such skills are cross-curricular Often the same course can be duplicated , to advantage , us microcomputer program .
7 If there is no luck after a few days or the child is showing antagonism to the potty then the parent should leave the training for a few more weeks .
8 The first was on the local islet of Likangloe , where the once abundant population of wild goats had recently been massively reduced in inverse proportion to that of the snakes which ate them , and where the resident family of fisherfolk had lost a sixteen-year-old daughter to a python only the year before .
9 We 've even matched the colour of the gift wrap to the decorations so the presents around the tree help balance the overall effect .
10 Some items were common : several people had copies of the 1946 agreement between shaikhs , and its grandiose pretensions to a territory nearly the size of France .
11 Now , almost a year to the day later the show will finally go ahead at the Frank Matcham designed theatre .
12 On the night hemisphere much of the surface is at about 100 K. Were Mercury to keep the same face to the Sun then the night hemisphere would be close to 0 K. The higher temperature that actually exists has been known since 1962 .
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