Example sentences of "[noun] to [art] [noun sg] [adv] the " in BNC.

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1 Clearly a major problem in controlling corporate crime is raising victim and public consciousness to a level where the community desires and supports a policy of more active and effective state control and regulation .
2 The second is that from the Cherwell boathouse to the point where the tragedy occurred is a distance of over two and a half miles , including a strenuous portage , and took us nearly an hour .
3 Dicey described how , when ‘ Voltaire came to England — and Voltaire represented the feeling of his age — his predominant sentiment clearly was that he had passed out of the realm of despotism to a land where the laws might be harsh , but where men were ruled by law and not by caprice ’ ( Dicey , 1959 : 189–90 ) .
4 As in all business calculations , the cost of obtaining such information needs to be balanced against its benefits , ( and against the consequences of limiting the search to a point where the forecaster does not know whether the information foregone is more or less than marginally useful ) .
5 Consideration there must still be but in my judgment the courts nowadays should be more ready to find its existence so as to reflect the intention of the parties to the contract where the bargaining powers are not unequal and where the finding of consideration reflects the true intention of the parties .
6 Some precedents also provide for the tenant to assign the unexpired residue of the term to the guarantor where the guarantor has been required to make any payment under the guarantor 's covenants .
7 We did find the Hall that was to be home for the next couple of nights , with a note pinned to the door giving directions to the pub where the rest of the Society had gathered .
8 This , we hoped , would permit us to see the various stages of the project in operation from the time when a school began to plan its proposal to the time when the materials purchased with project funds were already in use .
9 If Company A receives payment for supplying defence equipment to the government then the payment results in an increase in Company A's bank account , without a decrease in any other M4 private sector bank account .
10 She burst out of the cupboard , stumbled across the dining room and felt her way down the hall to the cupboard where the mains switch was .
11 Using the machine logs of searches on EXP and CTL , we classified responses to the situation where the system can not find a word into " good " or " bad " .
12 For transfection , 100μg plasmid DNA was mixed with 25μg Lipofectin in a total volume of 50μl and administered to mice by tracheal instillation in two loads by insertion of a metal applicator , adapted from a 25-gauge blunted syringe needle , through the mouth and into the trachea to the point where the main bronchi branch off .
13 After ingestion , and hatching in the small intestine , the L2 travel by the bloodstream via the liver to the lungs , where the second moult occurs , the L3 returning via the trachea to the intestine where the final two moults take place .
14 It seemed that she was not impressed for , having completed her examination , she turned ostentatiously away to follow Anthony to the table where the wine stood .
15 The monkey gingerly ran its fingers along wires to the point where the electrodes had been inserted in its brain .
16 In fact , we were beginning to pack the place to the point where the landlord was extremely worried because there were far more people in than should have been .
17 Seb had grown used to gipsy ways by now — especially Boz 's ways — but Dolly muttered angrily about ‘ gipsy ingratitude ’ and returned with Carrie to the room where the badly injured girl lay .
18 The clear lines leading the eye to the altar where the focus of the Christian life is celebrated in the Eucharistic Sacrifice tells you a great deal about Bishop Harris .
19 ‘ I can see I shall have to pay more attention to the river now the fish are running , ’ he said .
20 In addition , the marker has responded as master-craftsman to apprentice , so to speak : he knows what a court report ought to be like , and so has helped the pupil-writer towards that understanding , and has directed his attention to the part where the reader was confused .
21 It is our wish , as ever , to build better relationships with these agencies , and develop levels of mutual confidence to a point where the flow of information would be much greater than it has been .
22 The behaviourist approach is repetition and the drilling to the point where the student automatically makes the correct response .
23 Raskolnikov has of course outraged the human being in himself too ; the pad pad pad of the hunter and hunted relationship with Porfiry is intertwined with self-pursuit to the point where the murderer actually makes the running in the second of the three long interviews , arriving unsent-for and demanding interrogation ‘ according to the rules ’ , if interrogation there must be ; which leads Porfiry to exclaim : ‘ Good heavens !
24 Earn outs were particularly popular in the 1980s especially where the vendor worked as an employee of the purchaser in a service-based business after completion as it is a means of providing an incentive to the vendor where the profits may depend heavily on the skills of the employees .
25 They led the dogs to a place where the river meandered and the shingle bank was broad and deserted , and they beat them with sticks or stoned them .
26 Mina and Kāli are taking their offering for the festival to the house where the dhāmis have been dancing at night .
27 While most reggae DJs rapidly rise in popularity only to sink within a year , Shabba 's following has swelled over the past four years to a point where the reggae market is too small to contain him — witness the shooting and tear gas panic last year at the Brixton Academy , or January 's trashing of Tower Records , London , during a personal appearance .
28 The first dates back two and a half thousand years to the time when the Persians were at war with the Egyptians .
29 The whicker of Guy 's horse interrupted her thoughts , and Isabel hurried across the clearing to the hut where the animal was tethered .
30 This will result in self-regulation of the use of water to the point where the health of the individual , the family and the public at large , will suffer .
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