Example sentences of "[noun] of [indef pn] [adv] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 She 'd seen no trace of anyone else in the village , and no sign of anyone along the afternoon 's walk .
2 There was a flicker of something else in the shadowy gaze now .
3 She made no backward glance to signify the presence of anyone else in the room .
4 " How strange it is , " mused Fleury , feeling the futility of everything yet at the same time enjoying the feeling , " that these millions of wings , with all their wonderful machinery of nerves and muscles , should be made to serve the purpose of a single flight .
5 Self-evaluation , no matter how carefully the staff and governors try to be objective , lacks the valuable insight of someone genuinely on the outside looking in .
6 One thing in particular that frightens the business community is the possibility of an elected regional assembly for the north-west , with powers to tax , which would inevitably be dominated by the cities of Liverpool and Manchester , to the detriment of everyone else in the area .
7 One is to a large extent the consequence of something deep in the Greek character .
8 It is not at all unlikely that at the conquest , Mehmed II appointed someone mufti in the newly conquered city ; and since the sources seem not to mention the appointment of anyone else to the post , it may possibly be that it was made an for Hizir Bey .
9 As it swung against the wall , there was a thud of something hard in the pocket .
10 Even from the kerb in the gloom the guard 's shrugs and humorously uplifted eyes are visible as he declines to telephone the duty officer , ring a British Committee office empty at this time of night , break the sacred sleep of anyone else on the telephone list .
11 And any ‘ green shoots of recovery ’ may well be choked by the tares of something close to a world slump .
12 Doubtless Williams is getting five times the salary of everyone else in the movie — but that 's fair : he 's playing five roles .
13 Sir Frank Cooper argues that , despite intelligence reports of something amiss in the South Atlantic , it would have been inappropriate to have stopped these shipments .
14 Theodora recalled its tensely held eye and mouth muscles : the face of someone perpetually on the verge of panic .
15 Cawthorne was leaning over the machine , blocking my view of anything else inside the bunker , and I slid around to check whether I could see in through the slits .
16 In front of everybody else in the hotel . ’
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