Example sentences of "[noun] of [noun prp] would have [verb] " in BNC.

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1 In 1793 caricatures of George III and the Prince of Wales would have contained more radical , and even unpatriotic , implications than they did in 1792 .
2 Edward was clearly , and not surprisingly , of considerable interest in Normandy at this date , and William of Jumièges would have had a motive for inventing Robert 's expedition against England , to increase Edward 's debt to the Normans in general and William 's father in particular .
3 The view that the assassination of Hitler would have brought the end of the war was reported as the opinion of many inhabitants of the town of Bad Aibling in his administrative region .
4 After allowing for a few thousand of natural increase , the Serb and Montenegrin population of Kosovo would have fallen from 237,000 in 1981 to about 220,000 in 1986 .
5 This means that nearly 30 per cent of the population of France would have to visit Eurodisney each year .
6 Thus the animal locates itself in space by use of environmental reference points ( this is of course more or less what a psychologically untutored lay person might have guessed would happen , but it was not what psychologists brought up on a diet of Skinner would have theorized ) .
7 What the Bard of Stratford-upon-Avon would have thought of his verse can only be imagined , but Ken adopted the Shakespearean metre to the subject matter on hand — the Government of the day , the state of show business or the food being served .
8 These beliefs of Rousseau would have filtered down to Wordsworth in any case ; like the cult of Feeling ( see Jane Austen : Sense and Sensibility ) they were part of the climate of opinion by the 1790s .
9 Neil Foster of Essex would have made it a year ago after his spectacular haul of 106 wickets and remembering his superb bowling when he produced the performance of his life as the Test bowling hero of Madras under Gower 's leadership .
10 The Garden of Eden would have returned , but let us remember what it entailed .
11 In the latter case the Bank of England would have to hold a gold reserve to meet the demand of foreigners who wanted to convert sterling into gold .
12 This was partly because its proposals would have put an end to the prospect of the very benefits that securitisation should bring ( because the Bank of England would have had difficulty in applying its own regulations for securitisation ) , and partly because the accounting treatment proposed seemed to us inconsistent .
13 Bank of America would have brought extra competition that threatened to remove the surplus capacity the unpleasant way — by sending some other bank to the wall .
14 The traumas of Argentina would have dampened a lesser spirit than Bud 's .
15 which the House of Lords would have exercised if it had been asked to do so but had not in fact been so asked , Berry ( No. 2 ) would have been a very easy case for the Court of Appeal to deal with , but there is no indication that it found Berry ( No. 2 ) to be so simple .
16 One baulked by the House of Lords would have to accept that , but would almost certainly determine to exact a price at the next opportunity .
17 If it were less an absurdity , the House of Commons would have to take it seriously .
18 The ‘ Tenbrae ’ service at the time of Victoria would have begun in the evening gloom , lit by the symbolic number of candles ( representative of the Apostles , the three Marys , and Christ himself ) .
19 The regeneration of the Isle of Dogs would have gone ahead without UDC support .
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