Example sentences of "[noun] of [noun prp] [v-ing] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The ninth Central American summit was held in the Costa Rican town of Puntarenas on Dec. 15-17 , attended by the Presidents of Guatemala , Honduras , Nicaragua , El Salvador and Costa Rica , with the President of Panama attending as an observer .
2 Charlie read and re-read his banal offering , aware that although he extolled Tommy 's courage during the battle he made no mention of Trentham fleeing from the enemy .
3 On one such incident I was in command of Venturous patrolling in the Straits of Dover at the end of a very busy Bank Holiday , during which we had followed a suspect yacht from just outside Calais , and handed her over to our special unit in Dover .
4 The sonnets may announce a compatibility between poetic convention and authentic expression ; or the sonnets may be the result of Astrophil staying within the muse 's domain , writing in imitation of familiar poetic norms and abandoning the muse 's advice to look for an authentic writing from the heart .
5 I carefully pasted the photograph of Joe waving on the front , and inside , in his best handwriting , he wrote , ‘ Happy Father 's Day , Dad .
6 In the US the Carnegie Foundation has established a Centre for the Study of Societal Ageing at the University of Michigan .
7 They were on the brow of a little hill and Sara walked farther on to look down on the county spread in front of her , idly trying to recognise familiar landmarks — It was a travel-ad view — neat lush fields , trim hedgerows , a farmhouse nestling in amongst its windbreak of trees , a sheet of yellow on the far hills where a field of mustard was in bloom , and for the rest , a thousand different shades of the greens of high summer , a piece of England basking in the sun and as beautiful as any foreign strand .
8 He heard them alongside recordings of Di speaking at a conference and said that although there were similarities , the voice patterns of the unidentified woman did NOT match Di 's .
9 At any rate , when I saw her approaching late at night from the last bus , I would feign sleep and lie rigid in bed , willing my eyes to stay shut , but the sagging weight of Val sitting on the edge of my bed and her heart-rending sighs usually wore me down in the end , and I had to open my eyes and listen .
10 Only then did he see the thin figure of Louis leaning against the saloon bulkhead .
11 But now the Mirror album gives those who missed out a chance to see ALL the pictures of the Duchess of York cavorting in a manner most unbecoming to Royalty .
12 Later productions , which returned to earlier themes , were to be gentler , as for example the almost sentimental etchings of the Prince of Wales dreaming on the eve of his wedding ( 24 January 1795 ; reproduced in Hill , 1966 ) .
13 There is a famous story of Nilsson arriving at a rehearsal of his Metropolitan Ring as Brünnhilde with a miner 's lamp on her head : the conductor was well spotlit , but no one could see what was happening on stage .
14 What has upset Brian is the knowledge that within hours of Joanna disappearing from the leisure centre car park eight days ago , he was being ‘ fingered ’ as someone who could have been responsible for kidnapping her .
15 I remember the editor of ITN saying at a meeting in the 1960s that he sometimes wished he could precede every bulletin with : ‘ Ninety-nine per cent of the people in the world went about their lives today without anything unusual happening to them .
16 The script called for a pistol shot , the thump of Williams falling to the ground and Paddick left with the last line .
17 The editor of the who published photographs of the Princess of Wales exercising at a gym has described himself and the man who took the photographs as ratbags .
18 David Pipe , the club 's director of public affairs , said : ‘ This fixture will help to keep the issue of Sunday racing before the public at a time when the Government is likely to be carrying out its promise to reform the Sunday trading laws . ’
19 Miranda shook her head , and Madame blew her disgust through her teeth , and sat down with a magazine with a cover picture of the future Queen Fabiola of Belgium smiling on the arm of her optician 's pin-up of a fiancé .
20 The aim of RE according to the phenomenologists is promoting respect for , and understanding of , religion and its significance for behaviour in such a way as to leave intact pupils ' integrity — it is not educating into religion in any way , but educating about religion understood as more than information because involving a positive and creative approach to pluralism .
21 The awe-inspiring site of Stonehenge appearing on the horizon , as one crosses Salisbury Plain , never fails to cast a spell over the traveller .
22 The next call took us to Great Mills in Portobello , a suburb of Edinburgh running along the coastline towards Musselburgh .
23 But the following morning I awoke to the familiar sound of Chola shouting at the dogs and the dogs ' yelping response .
24 Yet a crucial side-effect of the UDC programme has been to push hard-pressed local authorities into the arms of the private sector without the problems and costs of UDCs rebounding on the government .
25 THE collections in the National Museum are impressive : an entire Roman mosaic floor from the time of Marcus Aurelian and a beautiful stele of Orpheus playing to the animals .
26 2–11–1911 As " it was impossible for the congregation to meet on the Sabbath the 5th day of November owing to the stormy weather prevailing that day " they resolved to dispense the Lord 's Supper on the next Sabbath .
27 With this re-alignment , Cheshunt , Barnet , Southend and Watford became part of the London District , with Chelmsford in Essex and the rest of Hertfordshire remaining within the District .
28 In the meantime , said Thorfinn , since the western portion of Lothian adhering to the lands of Strathclyde and Cumbria and the old see of Glasgow had never , as he understood it , been in dispute , he intended to dispose of the land there as he thought best , with such fortifications as he considered necessary to preserve order .
29 Barry knew there was never much chance of Billy going into the family business , and he was disappointed , but he 's not a vindictive man .
30 Left : Severed portions of Sinularia growing in an aquarium to form new colonies .
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