Example sentences of "[noun] of [noun pl] [v-ing] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 And she 's got kiwi fruits and peppers and all sorts of things growing in the garden .
2 Here again he sees all sorts of factors dating from the distant past as limiting and distorting potentialities .
3 The elections to a new 205-member House of Representatives resulted in a victory for the Nepali Congress , which formed a new government in late May , and marked the final stage of a 15-month democratization process which had resulted in the destruction of the old panchayat system , under which political parties had been banned and most political power had rested in the hands of the monarch , King Birendra Bir Bikram Shah Deva [ see p. 37856 for chronology of events leading to the adoption of a new constitution in November 1990 ] .
4 Her love sighs were suddenly interrupted by a commotion outside , the screams of women mingling with the deep gruff shouts of some of the convent 's labourers and porters .
5 The country 's trade deficit was offset , in part , by the bulk of imports coming from the socialist bloc so that " hard " foreign exchange was not used .
6 At the end of the row , their backs turned to all these visual riches , was a ring of donkey-boys squatting on the ground .
7 Daily defecation was maintained by daily administration of laxatives beginning on the evening of the clinic visit .
8 In late August González had been granted extraordinary powers which gave him total control over central government , federal agency and state company finances and the administration of enterprises operating under the Public Works and Defence ministries .
9 Any ‘ stable world ’ it presents is further overwhelmed by the progressive revelation that each narrator exists only as an imaginative device of a subsequent one , in a succession of evasions leading towards the unnamable author and the depths of an impulse to articulate , which can neither rest nor ever consummate its desires .
10 It is also important to create what I call a maternal genealogy to add to the paternal lineage which the current histories of art canonise — the succession of geniuses passing on the Olympic torch down the ages , man to man .
11 ‘ … for many years after the time named in this Ramble , Great College Street — beyond the terrace of houses extending to the entrance of Messrs. Goodall 's existing premises — was totally impassable even as a footpath in the winter .
12 The drying up of remittance flows was compounded by the rising cost of oil imports , and the loss of earnings stemming from the trade embargo on Iraq and Kuwait .
13 In January 1990 the Senior Minister of Finance , Carl Greenidge , stated that the loss of earnings resulting from the strikes in the bauxite and sugar industries in April and May 1989 had contributed to an additional $20,000,000 in arrears , as yet not covered by pledges from the support group .
14 The cause of Artegall 's inability to subdue Ireland in a completely satisfactory way is the result of actions proceeding from the civilised centre , not from those of the Faerie Queene 's opponents .
15 The Fund 's bi-annual World Economic Outlook released on Sept. 19 warned that although the impact of higher oil prices on industrialized countries was likely to be modest , overall world economic growth was expected to slow to 2 per cent in 1990 ( from 3 per cent in 1989 ) as a result of uncertainties stemming from the Gulf crisis .
16 In the case of gonorrhoea , the complications are a direct result of bacteria spreading through the body .
17 The variability of patterns resulting from the use of different volumes of hydrogen peroxide also argued against further use of this technique .
18 On May 13 a peaceful demonstration of students calling for the resignation of Ibrahim Babangida 's military regime degenerated into violence when police fired on the demonstrators with rubber bullets and live ammunition , killing at least seven people .
19 I made tea for him as he worked , watching a vee of geese heading for the interior as the kettle boiled .
20 Over the porch was a wooden pointed hood with scalloped edges , to keep off the rain , presumably from the heads of visitors waiting for the door to be opened .
21 As a consequence of these complications the Modular Course has to operate a planning and response structure , through its own committees and crucially through a termly meeting of Heads of Departments contributing to the Course , that is not only sensitive to overall Polytechnic directives but also ensures a sensible collaborative response .
22 The Dean and Co-ordinator meet each term ( usually in week 11 ) with Heads of Departments contributing to the Modular Course to discuss matters of mutual concern .
23 These are then recast into a departmental format and presented for discussion to a key meeting of the central academic team and the Heads of Departments contributing to the Modular Course at the end of term 1 .
24 The body of the ark was green , with painted heads of animals peering from the portholes .
25 liaison with the directorate , Deans of Faculties and Heads of Schools/Departments contributing to the Course ; and
26 She wound the bracket clock on the letter table in the hall , the marble mantel clock in the serious chill of the ballroom , catching the pendulum , releasing it , listening for the rhythm of ticks stuttering into the vastness .
27 Over 12 acres of Gardens ranging from the formal circular Rose Garden on the site of the Old Keep to the Wild Garden in the ravine .
28 For the sake of convenience I shall apply the term la nouvelle critique to the complex of ideas emerging from the Paris of the 1960s , including many diverse strands : the ‘ classical ’ structuralism of the early Barthes , the poststructuralism of his later work , the deconstructionism of Derrida , and whatever name one gives to the work of Foucault and Lacan , in taxonomic historiography and dissident psychoanalysis respectively .
29 Learning through Writing in the Primary School Classroom Mr. Stephen Rowland , Lecturer in Primary Education , has studied aspects of children writing within the context of participatory observation in the primary classroom , where roles of teacher and researcher are integrated .
30 The festivals included " mysteries " , dramatic performances of episodes relating to the life , death and resurrection of Osiris , and often involved the planting of seed in Osiris-shaped moulds to germinate and grow by the end of the festival .
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